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A New Era Of Brand Promotion With Experiential Event Marketing

Experiential marketing is not something new as a concept and actually has been there since the days of the traveling salesmen. But during the last few years or so, with assistance from the modern and sophisticated technology it has come up as the backbone of event marketing and brand building plans and strategies.

A Marketing Secret for Your Child Care Business

Are you using one of the key secret ingredients when marketing your child care business? Reviews and testimonials are a great way to establish credibility for your child care business. They are a “secret ingredient” that you can use in all your marketing materials and you can also put them on your Facebook page and website.

The Secrets of Conversion – What Makes Site Visitors Want To Become Your Clients

You’re doing website writing to sell your services. So far, all your website writing efforts haven’t produced any clients. What do the experts know about converting site visitors into paying clients? Here are some ideas for you to consider in your writing efforts.

How Product Managers Can Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest To Create Product Buzz

As product manager living and working in the 21st Century, we all know about the importance of social media. Many of us have probably already added these skills to our product manager resume. However, discovering just exactly how to make the best use of these new tools that allow us to get in contact with our customers is still something that we are all struggling with. What we need is some expert guidance on which social media tools we should be using and just exactly how to go about using them.

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Latino Community: The Thriving New Consumer Base for American Businesses

As the fastest growing ethnic segment in the United States, the Hispanic or Latino community is a largely untapped customer base with a 1 trillion purchasing power. In order to enter the marketplace more and more businesses are changing their advertising, operational and business strategies. However, entering this marketplace is not as easy as it seems. It will take businesses a lot of effort and investment to make their mark in this market on a long term basis.

Planning for the Discovery Meeting for Your Free Marketing Plan

If you plan on taking advantage of the offer for a free marketing plan, then you need to know what you have to get together before you have the discovery meeting with your consultant. Your consultant will then create your free marketing plan that will include recommendations for what additional marketing services can help your business. What is a discovery meeting?

How To Promote Your Website Effectively

There are several ways on how to promote your website. Because of the technology we have, there are now methods on how you can do this based on insight, which will allow you to direct quality people to your website.

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