What Ghostbusters Taught Me About Marketing

My 16-year old son Jeremy and I enjoy watching classic movies from my youth together. We’ve watched Jaws, Back to the Future and most recently Ghostbusters.

One of the Most Essential Skill Sets a Small Business Owner Ought to Have

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In this brief article, I’m addressing the question that I get the from numerous entrepreneurs, which is… “Exactly what do I believe is the most essential business skill set they should posses as an Entrepreneur and owner of their own company?” I believe the success of any business is based on it’s ability to generate new leads and sales enquirers, find out why…

Debunking the Big Investment Myth: Can High Rewards Come With Low Risk?

A Florida-based marketing company is proving that the old adage, “high reward = high risk” isn’t necessarily true. The company, Harbor City DMA Ventures LLC is an internet marketing company and since 2013 it has been racking up huge returns for its investors in the inherently low risk Online Performance Marketing (OPM) industry.

The “Vanderbilt” Method for Growing Your Business

How do you stand out in today’s “business saturated” market… Consumers are SMART, so you can’t “sleaze” your way through… Here’s how.

Are You Practicing Attraction Marketing or Pushy Marketing?

That is the question. And you’re not practicing attraction marketing if you go around thinking your way is the only way.

Employees and Customers of a Company Can Use Promotional Clothing

There are many perks when someone is working for a company. There are also many perks when people are loyal customers.

More Companies Are Providing Promotional Bags for Customers

When people are shopping, they may want to use something other than plastic bags to haul their groceries. The promotional shopping bags are something that are growing in popularity.

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