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A World Gone Mobile With the Best Mobile Marketing Strategies

The number of mobile users across the globe today has reached more than 4.8 Billion and still counting. The fact that internet searches globally are conducted through mobile phones means that the world has really gone mobile. This is the result of the development of smartphones and mobile apps which has allowed for many opportunities for all marketers and a wider choice for consumers. However, this also spells high level of competition for marketers and one must adopt various mobile marketing strategies specifically designed for the business, in order to make it through and reach greater heights.

Exhibition Organisers Asked Me To Rudely Move My Stand

Here is my personal experience when the company I work for participated in a exhibition and had to deal with the event organisers who rather rudely asked me to move our very expensive exhibition stand by just a few feet. But all was not lost as support was on hand.

Proximity Marketing: Are Bluetooth and Infrared Dead?

The evolution of mobile devices along with a growing acknowledgment by consumers and businesses of the importance of mobile marketing, is now opening up great new opportunities for the growth of mobile marketing via proximity systems. Proximity marketing allows consumers the ability to access relevant content on their mobile devices when they need it the most. It gives today’s technologically-inclined consumer the opportunity to engage with your brand, communicate with your product and make purchases all while on the go.

2D Barcodes and Mobile Scanning

There are several different ways in which you can gain immediate access to information on your mobile device. You can download an app, visit a mobile website, receive an SMS message OR you can simply scan a barcode. As long as your mobile device is equipped with the right application you can scan a 2D barcode in the same time it takes to take a picture.

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A World of Apps: The 10 Most Convenient Apps

All mobile devices come with basic applications. These apps are general and are installed on the device before it gets to you. Some of these apps you may end up using every single day and some you forget are even there. Then there are apps that you just couldn’t do without. From the day you download them, these apps make your life much easier.

Three Simple Strategies To Get More Customers

Many businesses need to find more local customers but the marketing process can be perceived as costly and complex. What is needed are simple strategies to reach more customers in the local area.

Essential Concepts About Google AdWords Businesses Should Know

If done correctly, a pay per click campaign can give your business an instant boost in terms of visibility. With the recent updates that Google has made to its algorithm, AdWords has the slight advantage over SEO campaigns.

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