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Is Your Site GDPR Compliant?

Normally at the end of the month, we do a wrap up of the past few weeks of blogs, this month however we’re changing it up a bit. The biggest news to hit online marketers in a LONG time is the General Data Protection Regulation (aka GDPR); in fact on May 25 (the deadline to be compliant) I was in the airport and miscellaneous strangers were wishing each other a happy GDPR day.

Small And Midsized Company Marketing And Marketing Communications – A Lesson From Large Agencies

Over the past few years, rapidly developing technologies have changed the way marketers think about marketing and marketing communications strategies, plans and tactics. However, somewhat quietly but perhaps more importantly, a significant change has occurred with the world’s largest communications companies – the dramatic growth of consulting companies at the expense of traditional advertising agencies. Why is this change happening and what can small and midsized marketers learn from it?

Five Changes You Should Make To Your Marketing Strategy Right Now

In business, marketing is looked at as a given, as a piece to a well-thought business plan that relies on ingenuity, research, and a steadfast commitment. The problem is that sometimes a business’s marketing strategy is not very good, and the best solution is to start making changes as soon as possible so as to keep from the current plan from sinking the business’s chances for success.

The Best Customer Profiling Can Change How You Do Business

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to people that being in business, especially being successful in business, is pretty darn hard. There are a number of ways a business can thrive, but perhaps the best tool said business can use is that of best customer profiling. It seems like a very reasonable goal for any business, but considering how many businesses tend to swing and miss at employing this particular strategy, it’s obvious that there is a disconnect somewhere.

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7 Pillars of Marketing Management

Marketing management refers to the process of planning effective marketing strategies, advertising and promoting the products and services, and managing the sales to reach the customers so that the company gains immense profits.The managers can ensure effectual marketing management by paying heed to 7 parameters that serve as pillars of marketing.

Automotive Biometrics – The Trending Growth and Implementation in the Automobile Industry

Did you know that automotive biometrics technology has an extensive application? This industry is developing at a fast rate. Reputed automakers have shown their interests in implementing the multi-factor and two-factor authentications in their vehicles. Know more about Automotive Biometrics Market and its trends.

The Secret Digital Marketing Weapon for Your Business

As a professional service provider, you’re paid for what you know. People come to your marketing firm for the expertise you offer, first and foremost. Did you also realize that this is also your secret marketing weapon? By sharing what you know, you attract people to you and build their confidence in you as the right solution for their problem. Now many professionals are afraid to “give away” trade secrets or expertise for free, but that’s not what I’m talking about. This is about putting content regularly out into the marketplace that is of enough value that prospects will automatically think of you when they have a need.

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