How to create an Ecommerce Website in a day for beginners

Selling to Christian Retailers

The Christian retail market is large, with over $4.5 billion in sales. Books and Bibles make up 41% of the market but that still leaves a large percentage for gifts, greeting cards, children products, music, videos and other items of interest. This is an ideal market for inventors and new product developers to approach because retailers are innovative, always looking for new products and because the market has a lower number of suppliers compared to other markets like kitchen stores and gift shops.

How to Approach Sales Reps

Most inventors need to sell their product through sales reps primarily because they don’t have the market contacts they need to sell the product on their own. Reps are always interested in finding new lines, but that doesn’t mean it is easy to sign them up. Reps are only interested in your line if they will make money from it and your product will add to their reputation. So don’t take it for granted that you will easily land reps. Instead be prepared to create your best opportunity for success.

Types of Distribution Networks Used By Inventors

Many inventors have great products that never quite make it to market because the inventor isn’t able to set up a distribution network. Distribution is a term that stands for the process by which a product moves from the producer to the final consumer. There are many types of distribution networks and virtually any of them can be used by inventors. Each of these distribution networks has advantages and disadvantages. This article describes each network, lists its advantages and disadvantages, and points out when it is an effective network for new product entrepreneur. In many cases inventors will choose to purse more than one distribution channel.

Licensing – Sales Reps Make a Great Partner

Two heads are better than one, so if you are trying to license your idea why not get a partner – and often the best partner is a sales rep that is already in the industry. He or she will know the market, many of the major players, and what kind of deal really makes sense.

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Research That Helps Sell Your Product

Conducting research on your product helps you sell your idea to investors, licensors, or marketing partners, more importantly it helps sell yourself to manufacturers, reps and others as it shows you have done your homework and know what you are doing, and research also helps you develop a winning product. The three types of research inventors use most often are observational, comparative and price point research.

Future of Social Media and Marketing for Business

The future cannot be predicted, but there are a few ways to have an idea what the social media future will be for marketing for small businesses. The world, children and other businesses can help with determining the future in your marketing needs.

The High-Performing Government Agency: Using A Marketing Mindset In The Public Sector

Addressing citizen needs involves developing a successful government program that uses the basic principles of marketing. Whilst there are varying mandates between public and private entities, the need to perform is no different. Drawing on the work of noted marketing expert Philip Kotler, we highlight the process of effectively executing a government program. A case study on Cairo’s taxi scrapping and recycling project demonstrates best practice in effective implementation, and illustrates the sound results that a marketing mindset can provide for public sector organizations.

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