The Many Benefits of Promotional Products
It is quite clear that there are a wide variety of ways to advertise your products and services these days, and the advertising industry has been going strong for many years already. If you want to get the message out there about some amazing new product or service that you have to offer to the world, it can at times be difficult to know for certain what the best style of advertising would be. Or maybe you have a good idea of what would work but you do not really have enough money to pay for it at this point…
The 1-2-3 Punch: Effective Follow-Up After Networking EventsFace-to-face business networking is a great, inexpensive way to start long-term relationships. Be sure you get business cards from the people that you meet at networking events. To establish business relationships you should follow-up with everyone you meet.
What’s the ROI for Wellness? Does It Matter?With the acceptance of company-sponsored wellness programs now far beyond the Tipping Point, the topic of return of investment (ROI) seems to be cropping up again and again. Many observers and practitioners have an innate belief that improved wellness leads to greater productivity, less absenteeism, and reduced health costs.
Living Element in Marketing – Need for an Additional P!It would be interesting to start a discussion on the P’s of marketing. The P’s – Fundamentals of Marketing – You ask any management student – He will tell you much about the P’s…
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This is world of tablets and Smartphones in which online consumers start their quest for a product, service or support call using a search engine. According to a survey by the BIA / Kelsey group more than 97% of online consumers do same.
Demand Segmentation and Concept of Demand Drivers – A Marketing ArticleSegementing the demand for products/services by analyzing demand drivers Traditionally, marketers try to seduce customers to buy product of their choice with tools like ads, POPs, offers and freebies, discounts and credit limits, better service offers and product features, etc. But can we segment the total available demand? This article discusses how we can do that that.
Customer Engagement for Business ImprovementIdentification of under performing marketing and promotion processes for a business is the first step to business success. There are many businesses that are enjoying customer trust and confidence by making their solid online presence.