How To Rank Affiliate Marketing Websites On Google For FREE Traffic! (2021 Guide)

Content Creation for Non-Writers, Procrastinators, and the Stuck Among Us

The reason to create content in the first place-and all content need not be written-is to provide value to your readers, listeners, viewers. If you are going to write, take the time to write well. If your brain is a dusty dry patch of nothing on the day your weekly missive is due, ditch your usual way of connecting and have some fun.

Seinfeld’s Soda Machine Theorem of Converting Your Prospects Into Buyers

One of my favorite Seinfeld episodes is the car dealership, where Jerry is looking to buy a new car in a dealership from Puddy, his mechanic and Elaine’s boyfriend at the time (George does a hilarious candy bar lineup, but I’ll talk about that one another time). Anyway, Elaine is trying to break up with Puddy, and she’s trying to convince Jerry (and herself) that their relationship has finished in one mighty blow. Jerry says there’s no way that’s possible and that: “breaking up is like trying to tip a soft drink machine over – you can’t do it with…

Nurturing Techniques To Raise Your B2B Lead Conversion Rates

The most difficult thing to achieve is conversions in B2B, marketing professionals are of the view that their biggest challenge is to convert leads into customers without knowing their lead conversion rate. Conversions are the money makers or the cash cows of B2B marketing, and it is from them, that the cash flows in. Running a lead generating campaign is easy, but if leads don’t convert into business opportunities and those opportunities are not turned into deals, it is not worth the effort.

Trump’s Sneaky Little Marketing Tricks

Trump has been trumping a lot lately about whether Obama was born in the U.S. or not. Some may ask themselves – who cares? Well, if you want to learn a thing or two about marketing, then you should care – just watch the big man in the white house – he’s one of the best self-marketers around.

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Best Customer Profiling Can Make – Or Break – Your Business

Business owners, especially those who have experienced success, understand that in order to stay ahead, it takes hard work & dedication to knowing their industry very well. It also takes knowing your customer base very well, and this is where best customer profiling comes into play.

Why You Should Never Ask Your Market What They Want To Buy

If you want to REALLY know what people want to buy, then this article will explain why you should never survey them about it. Gary Halbert, the prince of print as they called him back in the day, used to lecture to marketing students. He wanted to show them that people don’t really put their money where their mouth is, which could be hazardous for a marketer who wants to know what they really want to buy, so he asked the students: Who in here would prefer going to a play than going…

Let Your Business Benefit From Clever Marketing Methods

There are few businesses in the world today that do not rely on some form of marketing. It is also true that few people do not own and work on computers.

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