How to Write Catchy Headlines that Get Clicks

Borderless Shopping in the 21st Century

Learn the challenges of borderless shopping and how businesses of the 21st Century are meeting them. Partnering with third parties in local countries can help businesses meet the growing demands of international online shopping.

Mobile Marketing: The Future of Your Small Business

Companies focus far too much of their marketing efforts on TV and print ads. Find out why small business owners should shift their focus to mobile marketing.

Steps To Creating An Online Presence For Your Business

If you are a business looking to create an online presence, there are several areas you need to read this article. If you are not clear about these things, false expectations will leave you disappointed.

Why Targeting Your Market Is Essential to Your Business Success

Targeting a specific market allows you to better pinpoint your potential consumers needs and wants. Thus, allowing you to better serve your consumers with products and services designed to solve their problems. Targeting a specific person gives you a better chance at succeeding over your competitors; especially those who are unwilling to take the time to get to know them.

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What to Do When Fear Gets in the Way of Taking Action

Recently a student told me how she had a lot of fear about her small business and how to get clients. She had an enormous number of opportunities coming her way, but she felt afraid to take any action. That fear made her feel like a failure and unworthy of such opportunity. As a result she was paralyzed – she couldn’t seem to take the next step on anything.

Standard Components of The Business Letter Nowadays

These are the standard components of a business letter. Today’s business letters may have one or two components missing – or even more. There are some companies that prefer to preserve traditional practices in their business correspondence while other companies will be less stringent on how a letter should be written and presented.

Reasons to Print Custom Playing Cards

A lot of people like to go out and play card games. There are many different types of games that can be played using these.

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