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How Buddha Marketed Himself

Gautam Buddha’s life offers examples for today’s marketing professionals. Buddha’s marketing strategy could indeed be the envy for the best marketing companies world over. He did not have technology and social media to support over 2500 years ago. He did not conduct any promotional or marketing activity, yet His fame continues to grow. In fact it has been growing viral for the last 2500 years. Here are the secrets of His marketing success.

How Many Ideas Should a Piece of Marketing Should Have?

Creating effective marketing is the goal of every business. But how can you be sure your message is strong enough to be heard? This article looks at marketing and the number of ideas you should cover in every piece you write.

Challenges of Modern Marketing

Online marketing in modern times faces unique challenges. From capturing interest to using social media, marketing involves careful planning of the marketing department along with top ad agencies.

Should I Put My Prices on My Website?

There is some debate about whether or not you should put your pricing on the web if you want to get clients. The decision depends on what you are offering and the price of the packages. For example, if you offer products that are immediately downloadable or fulfill by mail, then pricing is obviously needed. People can’t buy if the price and a “buy now” button aren’t available.

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Businesses Should Consider the Customer Experience When Designing Their Websites

Your business website is for the convenience of your customers. If you have a bricks and mortar business you would never dream of hiding stock or making the checkout procedure infuriatingly complex: so don’t do it with your website. Businesses trading in the virtual world can learn a great deal from their real world cousins.

Content Marketing and the Importance of a Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is not new. The Michelin Guide is an early example of what today we call content marketing. At the time of the Michelin Guide, the term content marketing had not been coined. However, what the Michelin Guide attempted to do was to educate and inform its readers: and that is what content marketing is all about. The importance of content marketing is such that a content marketing strategy is something that all companies should think seriously about producing.

Big Data = Big Marketing Opportunities in Real-Time

Most marketing and risk systems still source data like it was pre 2003. Yet, the opportunity to refine strategic and operational decision making by taking full advantage of “Big Data” is compelling. Big Data brings big opportunities. Within the vast universe of data is valuable and available data. This is the new world of “Big Data” and the information being created can be used in real-time to generate previously unimaginable opportunities.

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