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Understanding Response Rates

When you receive a call from a telemarketer, do you hang up or engage in conversation? When an email comes through that says ‘click here for an offer’, do you click? What about mailers with phone numbers or websites to go to for more information? All of these scenarios involve marketing and obtaining a response rate to the campaign at hand. In the world of marketing, specifically direct marketing, response rate tells how many of the targeted audience members actually responded to a campaign. Response rate is a very valuable data tool for marketers, as it provides an indication as to which marketing techniques are working and which aren’t. Response rates can help determine a variety of successful marketing techniques: type (phone or email), concept of the campaign, targeted prospects.

Integrate Your Social Media and Website Analytics

Businesses and entities of all sorts: for profit, nonprofit, business to business, business to client, retail, professional services, individually owned small enterprises and more utilize the power of social media. But they may be missing a crucial value if not capturing and utilizing the information captured by web analytic tools. By integrating a web analytic tool with its social media sites, a company is able to see and understand key performance indicators (KPIs) and how they effect and drive business derived from social media sites.

How To Make Mad Money From Mobile Marketing

Currently mobile marketing is huge and by the end of 2013 it will be the biggest traffic source for marketing on the planet. This year it will finally overtake the personal computer in most gross revenue purchases made via the World Wide Web. Pros to going Mobile.

Understanding the Myth About Attraction and the Key to Becoming a Valuable Leader

People have a natural attraction to others who have leader type qualities and if you desire to make a successful journey as a networker, you need to show the qualities to add value to yourself. Along with that you need to duplicate that same perspective with the people in your organization so that it keeps the momentum going in your business.

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Prospecting Your Way to Success

Prospecting potential business clients is an important part of the start-up process. You want to seek out clients likely to need the type of service your business provides, so that you can use this time to create a strong business network.

Twitter Marketing 101

Twitter marketing is a simple yet incredibly effective way to keep in touch with your customers, find new ones and build up a following for your brand. While there are plenty of long lists online covering what to do/not to do on Twitter, they are often loaded with opposing recommendations. You can learn the basics and get started today by following my 4 Twitter marketing tips for beginners.

Paint By Numbers Guide to Creating Your Best Content

Create your best attention getting, SEO friendly content easily and quickly with this “paint by numbers” content creation method. Social Marketing and SEO both demand high quantities of high level content, a challenge for small businesses. This article will help you put out great content, quickly and easily!

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