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Marketing Strategies on a Budget

Not every business can afford a huge marketing campaign. There are some marketing options that can help you stay on budget and still draw customers in to your buisness.

Marketing Matters: Don’t Bother Trying to Hide Elephants

If your company’s image is affected by an “elephant,” pretending it’s not there will only make matters worse. You can’t make those elephants disappear unless you bring them out in the open.

Eco-Friendly Products Promote Businesses and a Healthy Planet

Companies give away products all the time. Set your promotional products apart from everyone else by giving away products that are earth friendly. Read more…

Word of Mouth, Videos and Brands

Video is an excellent way to promote your brand in the online world. With the right approach and by asking yourself the right questions, it is possible to create a video that stimulates word of mouth marketing and improves your brand’s visibility in the online world.

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Neuromarketing – Buzzword or Business Breakthrough?

You may have heard the word “neuromarketing” used amongst advertisers and marketing teams recently. What exactly is it? Is it just a buzzword or is it here to stay? If it is here to stay, what could it mean for business and what are the potential drawbacks and pitfalls?

The Buck Starts Here – Important Lessons From Starbucks

As an avid consumer of Starbucks coffee, I thought that it would only be fitting that I write about some of the key components that has made this conglomerate so successful. Just in case you’ve been living under a rock and are unaware of this company, let me give you a brief overview so that we’re all on the same page. Starting with only a vision in 1981, Howard Schultz, grew Starbucks Incorporated into a multibillion dollar corporation recognized by global societies. For those unaware, Starbucks is a reputable company specializing in a variety of high-quality coffees, teas, and spices. The goal that Howard Schultz had was to become a different type of coffeehouse that not only celebrated coffee and its rich traditions but also brought forth a feeling of connection for humankind. In fact, the company’s mission statement is “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.” By satisfying the emotional and rational appeal of consumers, along with creating key points-of-differences (PODs), Starbucks has become a globally recognizable brand with a competitive advantage over other firms within the same industry.

Telemarketing Compliance Challenges in 2013

The FTC Telemarketing rules that are designed to protect consumers from frequent fraudulent telemarketing calls have created more challenges for companies whose marketing strategy depends proactively reaching out to customers and prospective clients. Companies should familiarize themselves with the laws, rules and guidelines before planning any telemarketing strategy. A complete overview of these rules are available on the Bureau of Consumer Protection website.

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