Why you should not apply to freelance translation jobs online if you are a beginner

Inbound and Outbound Healthcare Marketing

Healthcare providers are constantly on the lookout for means to drive consumers toward their services or products. This has resulted in a shift in the thought process of marketing strategists who are constantly trying to influence consumer opinion by slow and subtle branding. Inbound and outbound healthcare marketing have their own set of pros that need to weigh while devising an effective marketing strategy.

One Big Reason You Shouldn’t Purchase a Trade Show Display And Two Reasons Why You Should

Question: Why should I purchase a trade show display? Answer: I don’t know specifically what you’re asking here, but let me give you some reasons why should, and maybe some reasons why you shouldn’t. Let me start with a reason you shouldn’t. This may or may not apply to you and your firm, but if it is the case, I’d say, “don’t buy one, at least not now.”

Promotional Products for Travel and Leisure

When considering purchasing promotional products, it is always important to bear the end user in mind. For clients in the leisure and travel industry, there are a plethora of products available, from golf to beach balls and everything in between.

5 Strategies for Keeping Team Members Engaged

A patients first interaction with a practice is with an employee who answers the phone or meets the at the reception. If that first encounter is less than desirable you are at risk of the prospective patient choosing another provider or if they do decide to come, a negative review. Here are five strategies to keep your employees engaged and your patients happy.

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The Love-Hate Relationship Between Sales and Marketing

It’s frustrating to see when two people who have so much in common – the same interests, the same sense of humor, the same goals – never become a couple. The same heartbreak often occurs among sales and marketing teams. In order for a fulfilling relationship to be sustained over the long-term (yes, a technical description of a romantic concept), there needs to be strong communication.

Streamlining Your Medical Marketing Efforts

Medical marketing can seem overwhelming at times but can be made easier by streamlining your medical marketing efforts. To make marketing efforts easier, a practice can develop a marketing plan and conduct a marketing analysis.

Restaurant Marketing – 3 New Ideas for 2014

Too busy to even think about marketing your restaurant? Here are 3 tips that you can help you attract more customers in 2014.

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