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Content Marketing: The Path to Choose or Not?

Creating good content is one thing and promoting it is different. Content Marketing is the key for building an audience which will build your digital business.

The Main Job Responsibilities For Marketing Consultants

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A marketing consultant works with companies for implementing and creating marketing strategies. These strategies usually depend on what products and services they offer and the core of the business. A consultant helps to determine the message, create a detailed plan and identify the exact mix to get the message out. They will then follow the plan and work accordingly to implement and execute the strategy.

Be Like Pizza Kid

Business development lessons are all around us. Traveling back to a fifth grade assignment, we see the power of engagement and appreciate how crucial it is in order to generate support for an individual, product, or service.

When Promoting Your Company, Think Of Creative Promotional Umbrellas

The sheer utility of an umbrella makes it a preferred item for promotional activity. Rain in the UK is most unpredictable, and in other countries where it may not rain all through the year, there is the sun one needs protection from. An umbrella has also become an important accessory, that anyone who is concerned about protecting him or herself from the rain and the sun, does not mind carrying it about all day, especially if it is a stylish, vibrant umbrella, boasting the name of a well loved brand too!

Are You Neglecting These 5 Effect Marketing Strategies?

These days you are probably swimming in tweets, promoted Pinterest Pins, LinkedIn articles, and Facebook posts and wondering if all that social media effort is really paying off in getting and keeping loyal customers for your small business. The old adage ‘half of my marketing is working I just don’t know which half’ is especially true in this age of multi touch conversions into leads. A client can go down so many paths these days, finding you on social media and then googling your business name only to finally pull the trigger and turn into a client through a…

The Left Is Still Trying To Process How Donald Trump Won

Not long after Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election a fellow think tanker type was so dumbfounded that he stated to me; “Lance what everyone is trying to process is how a political campaign based on lies and hate speech could succeed in the most advanced economy in history.” Of course, such a statement in and of itself shows just how out-of-touch this gentleman really is. You see, the lies and hate speech actually came from the other side constantly calling the right “racists” and all sorts of other derogatory things and lying to the public while their personal emails showed how they really felt and what the left was really up to.

Regional Marketing Strategies and Master Franchising Conflicts

When entering a master franchise agreement one must pay particular attention to the section on advertising and marketing requirements. Generally speaking franchisors are interested in secure brand name recognition in the assigned master franchise territory (County, State, Country). The franchisor also understands what works best for their business model in attracting new business, and or has probably given careful consideration to how this will affect the master’s franchise sales, and the over-all brand name.

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