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Have You Thought Of Using Entertainment Marketing To Hook Customers?

“Entertainment marketing” has not been taken advantage of very much by many brands and companies. How To Fulfill A Human Need? This is another effective strategy which can be adopted as a marketing strategy of any business or product or brand. Hook your customers’ attention and persuade them to consume its products by fulfilling the human’s “entertainment” needs.

Creating Magnetic Headlines

The headline is the first thing your reader will see when he visits your page and if your headline fails to attract the reader’s attention, it will be the last thing they read. Statistics have shown that 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 people will read the rest. This is a key demonstration of how it important it is to have a strong magnetic headline for your marketing content. So how can you ensure you have a strong…

What Is Marketing, In A Glance

This article provides basic insight to those interested in understanding marketing further. It will briefly cover what marketing is, and the value of marketing in general.

Losing Is Part of the Game When Marketing Your Business

Even if you’re not into sports, you know enough about games to know that losing is very much a part of playing. I enjoy watching pro basketball, rooting on the New York Knicks or Miami Heat (when they’re not playing the Knicks, of course). No matter how the game starts, I already know that one of the teams will lose – on top of knowing that, I must also ingest that my team might not be on the winning side. No matter how good they play, how much they practiced, or who they’re being coached by – one of the teams will lose.

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Marketing and Money for Small Business Owners and Consultants: Know Your Numbers

In business, whether you were a good math student or not, you must know your numbers. Follow the money trail is a common catchphrase that many consultants use in business – I don’t disagree, but I do say that there are a few sets of numbers that you need to stay on top of to be a successful business owner and consultant.

Glory Days of Marketing – What Does That Look Like?

Have you heard of the concept of “Glory Days”? Basically what this means is those days when we are at the height of our success, vibrant health, or social desirability. Often this is associated with our youth, but Glory Days can actually come at any time in our lives. They are sustained times when we shine with vigor, our actions are effortlessly successful, and we hit that point of flow where it seems we “can do no wrong”. We are pitch perfect and whatever we do seems flawless. These times don’t last forever (or they wouldn’t be called Glory Days). Let’s take a minute to look at what the Glory Days of marketing might look like.

4 Reasons Why A Good Research Agency Is Essential For Small Businesses

Despite the many benefits they offer, many small business owners are still reluctant to hire research agencies. Here are the top 4 reasons why they should.

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