QR Codes: Barcodes on Steroids?
Have you ever wondered what those square images on some products, advertisements or on a register receipt that resemble a maze made out of miniature black and white squares are? This icon is a datamatrix code called a QR Code. Since the inception of commerce in the marketplace, retailers managed to keep some type of tracking system to help regulate and categorize their inventory.
How to Use Your Proprietary System With ClientsHave you already created your proprietary system? If you did, congratulations! That will make your marketing so much easier.
Having the Right Signs Made for YouWhen it comes to the construction of signs there are a whole lot of things that may need to be considered before one choose to hire any company to take care of the project. It can take some time for you to decide on the specific logo that you would have built into a sign, and various other factors such as the materials that will be used in the design of the sign will need to be taken into account. Thus, it is always a good idea to approach a job like this carefully, making sure that you are well…
Communicating With Today’s Time-Deprived ReadersHave you noticed how people in our culture have evolved from readers into scanners? People will still sit down to read a good book or magazine for entertainment purposes. But when it comes to business communications, most of us simply don’t have time to read all the details anymore – a fact that has serious implications for today’s marketing communicators.
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The humble flyer has become the key to a marketing technique that is proving the personal touch can pay dividends when marketing products and services. By taking the message to where people actually are, advertisers are discovering the rewards of street marketing.
Required Information on Which to Build Your B2B Marketing StrategiesThis article discusses the marketing strategy and planning process in a Business to Business environment. It discusses the need to take a step back from the business and to answer some basic, fundamental questions rather than to simply focus on short term issues such as products and competitors.
Working With an Out of Town Agency: 5 TipsWhen choosing your company’s marketing agency, you may find that the best fit isn’t local, but out of town. Out of town may be an hour away or 3 states over and today’s technology facilitates creating healthy and productive partnerships in such situations. When working with an out of town marketing agency, the same rules apply as in town, but are executed a bit differently.