3 Freelance digital marketing jobs that ACTUALLY pay well

Trade Show Booths and Display Graphics: Should I Buy Or Should I Rent?

Question: We were wondering if it is better to purchase a trade show booth exhibit or if we should rent one instead? Answer: We would ask, in response to your question, “What is your objective?” Or maybe “What is your long term objective?” Are you planning to use this one time? Is this an experiment? If you’ve never exhibited at a trade show in the past, but you’d like to give it a whirl, then maybe you’ll want to try a less expensive route by purchasing graphics only for a booth, rather than the whole enchilada.

Common Marketing Mistakes When Opening A Store On eBay And Cost Effective Solutions

When people are thinking about opening an eBay store, they think that this will be a short cut to having their own business. This is not the case though and having this point of view will mean that you will only make a minimal profit from your online store.

10-Step B2B Customer Satisfaction Survey Pre-Survey Check List

Medium-to-large B2B organisations HAVE to conduct customer satisfaction surveys because their quality procedures manual says so. Following this check list will turn your ‘chore’ into increased revenue.

Top Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid When Involved in Online Marketing

While it is true that social media proves to be very powerful within today’s business world, it is not to be regarded as merely a platform for having conversations with your family and friends, or even old work colleagues. Check out the common blunders within this post that you should avoid if you happen to be involved in online marketing.

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Three Ways to Generate Quick Revenue With Easy Opportunities

Looking for quick ways to build business and bring in extra cash? Once you get your practice rolling, one of the easiest ways to do this is to look for opportunities that I call, “Money on the Table”. I don’t mean to highlight what you haven’t done. Yet, sometimes, the places where you haven’t followed up offer the strongest opportunities to earn income quickly and build business.

Using Images In Your Content

This phrase has been used for over 100 years, and it is still true today. Visualization makes it possible for people to absorb information quickly and understand the context of a message without having to spend the time reading.

The Best Reason NOT To Exhibit Your Company At A Trade Show Right Now

Question: We’re trying to determine if trade shows are worth attending as an exhibitor. Can you give our company any input? Answer: Obviously, if you’ve never attended a trade show as an exhibitor with your company, it can only be determined by attending one. My experience, though, has been that if done the right way, they can be immensely profitable over the long haul.

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