7 Secrets of Happy Relationships ๐Ÿ’ž

Why Use Of Experiential Techniques Is So Vital In Event Marketing

Experiential marketing techniques have taken the world by storm with its immense possibilities and the inherent returns for the users. It has graduated from the original techniques of distributing candy bars, shampoo, deodorant, snacks, and variety of other products to include extravaganzas to engage customers, big time.

What’s New In Marketing Events – Understand These Rules

Flash mobs are no longer viable, you want something new and happening that will resonate with your users. Event marketing in the modern world is all about the best stunts as standout events are the in things today.

Trust, Team and Time

“There’s no way I can take time away from my business!” I have been getting notes and messages from entrepreneurs commenting on my recent 2-week vacation and asking how in the world I could make this happen.

W.I.T. – Whatever It Takes Marketing Strategy

Regardless of the outcome, the ultimate goal is to implement the W.I.T. (Whatever it Takes) Marketing Strategy. This strategy allows flexibility to do whatever it takes to create a marketing plan that works for you.

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Effective Marketing Tips for Image Consultants

How do image consultants get more clients? Here are some top tips to help you market your services in the image consulting business.

Product Managers Need To Learn To Use Ads Carefully

If the product that you are responsible for is going to be successful, then you are going to have to find ways to get your potential customers to notice it. One way to go about doing this is to create ads that work with your product development definition and talk about your product and the problems that it solves. Ads can be a powerful communication tool for product managers; however, they can also end up pushing our potential customers too hard. What is the right way to use an ad?

The 3 Main Ways Neuroscience Is Being Used in Marketing

There are a lot of big claims about neuroscience being the next frontier in marketing; one of the giants of the marketing world, Nielsen, just completed its acquisition of neuroscience firm Innerscope Research and last year Marketing Sciences acquired consumer neuroscience consultancy, Walnut Group. In fact, neuroscience has become a marketing tool for the marketing companies themselves, as they announce their latest acquisitions in the field of neuromarketing and snag clients believing that they will be better able to target buyers. What is the purpose of all this? How exactly is neuroscience being used in marketing? Is all neuromarketing based on the same approach?

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