Keep on Growing!
One of the questions I hear frequently from my clients and colleagues is ‘how do you manage to get things like that (professional development) into your busy calendar? Continuous learning, for me, is not optional – it’s mandatory. My intention is to keep learning and become the very best at my craft.
5 Ways to Market a Business on a Small BudgetIf you were to ask most entrepreneurs what is the biggest challenge they face in business, the number one answer, unfortunately, would be money (or lack thereof). This article will share 5 ways to market a business on a small budget.
Do You Have the Best Domain Name?Names do matter though when it comes to your baby, your book or your biz. I get comments often that people like the name Birth That Book. It’s clear and to the point. I help you birth that book. Conceive, create, deliver. It’s a joy.
Why Should You Try Online Classified Ads Websites?Free classified ads websites are changing the way people are using the Internet nowadays. If you want to purchase, sell or exchange your old stuff, you can take advantage of a free business directory or a classified ad website. Companies also use these sites for promoting their products and services. In this article, we have tried to explain why online classifieds are the way to go. Read on.
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The mobile boom is upon us, as more and more consumers are now accessing the internet and social media on their mobile devices. Because of this local businesses need to shift their mindset when it comes to their marketing and advertising.
Attraction Marketing Strategies and Ladies PantiesAttraction Marketing Strategies and Ladies Panties Now I know you were attracted to the title if you’re here. Attraction marketing has been around for ages, we marketers just try to make it sound sexy to the newbies so we can sound cool and important.
Magnetic MarketingIn between winter storms this past weekend I was reminiscing about old college stories and retelling the antics and idiosyncrasies of old roommates: The good, the bad, and the downright strange. It was in the midst of these lighthearted discussions that I discovered a sublimely potent, almost impishly delightful marketing technique that I have for years taken for granted and ignored.