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Why Card-Linked Loyalty Programs Are Better

Loyalty and reward programs have always been popular. Think back to saving green stamps, punch cards or simply look at your key ring full of tiny pieces of UPC coded plastic. In times of strong economy or weak, shoppers want to be rewarded for their loyalty and purchases. Our recent economic times coupled with advances in technology, have improved card-linked loyalty programs for vendors and consumers alike.

Perfecting Your Pitch: Can Your Elevator Speech Take You to the Top?

A perfect elevator speech should compel the receiver to respond with meaningful and relevant conversation. Your positioning statement should be interesting, state what you do, indict outcomes, and provide enough information for others to know whether or not they are interested in working with you. A good elevator speech or positioning statement accomplishes 4 goals…

How to Create a Strong Social Media Presence

Your social media presence needs to be optimized and targeted so that the moment someone sees it, they will “get it”. So here are a few steps to take to create a strong social media presence that will attract your ideal clients and bring you constant leads.

Today’s Promotional USB Flash Drives

USB flash drives are valuable, important pieces of hardware in business nowadays; they can securely transfer and swap large pieces of information quickly and easily between different people. Your customers, employees and business affiliates use their USB flash drives the same way and probably just as often.

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History Of Promotional Products

America began using Promotional Products during the infant stages of our Country’s birth. This Industry has steadily continued to grow ever since. Every year inventions of new and interesting Promotional Products catch our attention, attract our interest, and compel us to come back wanting more. Promotional products are the most cost-effective way to promote a business. This allows the smallest business to the largest corporation the ability to hand out a free Promotion Product with their business name and logo printed on it.

Important SEO Information for Your Site

There are many things that one needs to have in place to ensure your website has been optimized properly. All these things work together to help your website’s overall search engine ranking. Search engine optimization is not something that can be left out of your marketing strategy without there being negative results. Take the time to include these things and your site will rise through the ranks and end up in the top search results.

How To Choose The Cheapest Promotional Pens

Giving away promotional pens as gifts to your customers can make them feel welcome. Pens make nice gifts and the law of reciprocity will ensure that customers will feel obliged to return this kind gesture. Many businesses, whether small or large,…

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