What Suits Can Teach Us About Markets
The mass standardization of products favors the advance of a frenetic intemperance in economy. Standardized goods lead to the standardized masses. It destroys the human element that gives warmth, life and meaning to the economy..
The Importance of Online Networking!
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The emergence and rapid growth of social media platforms on the web often appears to have taken a lot of the leg-work out of networking. However, as social media has grown in importance, so too has the importance of increasing your online presence.
Customer Retention Strategies for Your Brand
As the economic climate continues to put strain on businesses big and small, retaining current customers becomes even more vital to the health and growth of these companies. Here are four essential ways that you can be sure to retain your customer base and encourage customer loyalty: Keep regular contact with them through a consumer email database Email and newsletter marketing has been proven to be the most successful medium when it comes to creating and maintaining a direct connection with your brands’ consumers.
Are You Comfort Digging? And How That Could Kill Your Coaching Business
I think I’ve found my marketing guru. She’s only 9 months old, but she’s really smart. I needed her guidance today. I started my week in a strange sort of funk and found myself comfort digging. I’ll explain what that is in just a sec.
How to Successfully Advertise Your Company in This Tough Economy
There is a saying that without advertising, nothing happens. If you own and operate a business, I’m sure that you can appreciate the truth of that statement. Of course, the type of advertising and promotion that you do for your business is going to differ, depending upon the particulars of your business and your budget.
Top of the Funnel Offers for Lead Generation
Top of the Funnel Offers – As content marketing and other forms of inbound marketing continue to grow at a rapid pace, marketers need to understand that all facets of a sales funnel still count in their strategies, not just the bottom of the funnel when the user is finally ready to become a loyal customer. However, more and more businesses are focusing their content, services, and marketing in an effort to drive the “buy” action and not as much making sure to maximize incoming lead volume at the top of the funnel.
Pinterest for Business
Social media has changed the way businesses approach marketing. Facebook, Google+ and Twitter brand pages have allowed your company to have almost real time interactions with your customers and clients.