Innovating Your Business to Become the Dominant Player in Your Market
Innovation is always the key to success for any small business. In this case study, we’ll show you how something as mundane as a donut shop can find new, innovative and creative ways to inexpensively position themselves as a dominant force in their market.
Why a Marketing Plan Is Important and What Different Strategies to Use
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It is normal for people to wonder why marketing is important for their business. Commonly, owners would occasionally post their services for people to see on social media. This won’t necessarily get your product on the market. Here is why a marketing plan is important and what you can use in yours.
Emerging Marketing Trends
Do you think people still pay attention to TV ads or like to attend a call from some random telemarketer? Or can you force people to buy your products and services? Well, the answer is a big NO. The world has become excessively busy and does not like to be annoyed.
UPS Product Managers Experiment With The World Of 3D Printing
When someone mentions UPS to you, what do you generally think of? Probably one of their brown trucks that we see everywhere or perhaps it is one of their delivery employees dressed head-to-toe in their traditional brown uniform. However, this may all be changing. The product managers at UPS believe that they have seen the future and it’s all about 3D printing.
Build Customer Loyalty by Focusing on Needs
Here’s a novel idea: let readers earn rewards points every time they forward a newspaper article to a friend or blog about a story they read in the paper. The points could be redeemed for a panoply of things beyond newspaper subscriptions and free ads, such as to cover eBay seller listing fees, travel incentives, or website design and hosting… the ideas are endless. Papers shouldn’t think about doing it all themselves. Rather, they would form alliances with non-competing service providers to deliver the rewards. Seems like a win-win-win all around.
Is It Advertising?
In broad terms, advertising is buying space in promoted media, or someone else’s space. But what if you wrap your vehicle?
Marketing A Small Business In The Current Era
It’s 2016, and a majority of people are shifting from their regular 9-5 job to opening a business of their own. But only a few of them are able to make it big. For some, opening a business and keeping their clients happy can prove to be challenging. So what are some of the small business strategies that could help newbies establish a long term successful business career? Let’s know further.