What’s Next After E66: Wrapping it Up… Exploring the Future!

We have reached an exciting milestone with E66, and now it’s time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and look ahead to what’s next. In this blog post, we will be wrapping up our exploration of E66 and diving into the future. Join us as we delve into the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Let’s embark on this journey together as we uncover what’s next after E66!

What’s Next After E66: Wrapping it Up… Exploring the Future!


Hey there, dear readers! We hope this article finds you in high spirits and bursting with infectious energy. Today, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the successful first season of our podcast and share what we have in store for you in the near future. Couldn’t be more excited to dive into this thrilling journey with all of you!

Reflecting on the Successful First Season of the Podcast

Wow, what a ride it has been! We simply cannot express our immense gratitude for the overwhelming support and love we received during the first season of our podcast. We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who tuned in, shared your thoughts, and engaged with our content. It truly means the world to us.

It is humbling to announce that our podcast has surpassed 20,000 downloads – and the cherry on top? We achieved this milestone without any promotion. The growth has been organic and driven by the unwavering dedication of our incredible audience. Time and time again, you’ve proven that genuine passion and enthusiasm will always attract a like-minded community.

Exploring New Opportunities and Considering Rebranding

As the saying goes, change is the only constant in life. We firmly believe in continuously challenging ourselves and exploring new avenues for growth. During this brief break, we will be venturing into exciting new territories, including the world of TikTok. We want to connect with our audience on multiple platforms and reach even more individuals who can benefit from our knowledge and expertise.

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In addition to that, we are contemplating a rebranding of our podcast. Change can invigorate both creators and audience alike, and we want to ensure that we are adapting to the evolving needs and preferences of our community. Rest assured, though, that our core values and commitment to providing valuable insights will remain unchanged. We are merely exploring innovative ways to enhance your experience.

Join Our Free Weekly Coaching Calls

While we are taking a break from releasing podcast episodes, we wouldn’t want to leave you hanging! We have something special in store for all of you during these months โ€“ free weekly coaching calls. Yes, you heard it right! These sessions will focus on delving deeper into the topics we covered in our podcast and will provide a space for interactive discussions.

We understand the power of community and the importance of continuous learning. With these coaching calls, we aim to create an environment where you can seek guidance, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals who are on a similar journey. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us for these knowledge-packed sessions that will take your growth to the next level!

In-Depth Courses on Starting a Coaching Business and Making $120k Part-Time

Are you intrigued by the idea of turning your passion into a successful coaching business? Do you aspire to generate a hefty income while pursuing what you love? Well, my friends, you’re in luck! During our break, we will be developing in-depth courses that cover the nitty-gritty of starting a coaching business and making $120k part-time.

These courses will be meticulously designed to provide you with step-by-step guidance, insider tips, and real-world examples that will accelerate your progress. So, keep an eye out for our upcoming announcements because enrolling in these courses might just be the transformative step you need to take towards building a thriving coaching practice.

Taking a Break for a Few Months, Returning in Early 2023

Now, we know what you’re thinking โ€“ where do we go from here? Well, dear readers, we are temporarily bidding you farewell as we take a much-needed break to recharge, strategize, and deliver even more value when we return in early 2023. We understand the anticipation building within you, and we promise that the wait will be worth it.

During this break, we recommend going over the podcast episodes from the first season. Treat it like a treasure trove of knowledge and revisit your favorite episodes as well as those that you may have missed. Remember, learning is a lifelong pursuit, and there’s always something new to discover, even in familiar territory.


As we wrap up the first season of our podcast, we cannot emphasize enough how grateful we are for your incredible support. We are overwhelmed by the love you’ve shown us, and we are determined to come back bigger and better than ever. We believe in the power of community, the joy of learning, and the ability to create a life of fulfillment and success.

So, stay tuned, mark your calendars, and join us in early 2023 as we launch the next chapter of our podcast. We are excited about the future and cannot wait to embark on this exhilarating journey with all of you. Until then, remember to reflect, learn, grow, and above all, dream big!

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Q: What can we expect from the free weekly coaching calls?
    A: The free weekly coaching calls will provide a platform for interactive discussions, deep dives into podcast topics, and an opportunity to seek guidance and connect with others.

  2. Q: Will the rebranding of the podcast change the core content?
    A: No, the rebranding is aimed at enhancing the overall experience while keeping the core values and commitment to valuable insights intact.

  3. Q: When can we expect the in-depth courses to be available?
    A: The in-depth courses on starting a coaching business and making $120k part-time will be announced and made available during our break period.

  4. Q: Can I still access previous podcast episodes during the break?
    A: Absolutely! All previous podcast episodes will remain accessible for you to revisit and dive deeper into the valuable content.

  5. Q: When exactly will the podcast return in early 2023?
    A: The exact return date will be announced as we get closer to early 2023. Stay tuned for updates on our website and social media platforms.

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