Best Practices for a Good Blog Layout | Blogging for Beginners

Sponsorship Training – A Model to Get Sponsors Sooner & Common Mistakes You Should Avoid

Represent – Sponsorship all starts with knowing who you are as a company or brand, and what your mission and values are. In order to have effective sponsorships we must know who we represent. How do you do this? Here are two things to have in mind when starting your sponsorship process.

9 Key Tips To Know Your Target Audience

Knowing your target audience is crucial for the success of any business. Take some time, do a bit of research, follow these tips and you will see a dramatic difference in your success at reaching those people you are looking for.

Want to Start A Business? 3 Things You Must Consider

Around this time of year, many people are considering starting their own business. There is nothing like a New Year’s resolution than starting your own business.

Make Your Business Stand Out With the 5 P’s of Marketing

Competition is tough, customer loyalty is not what it once was, and the price of products continues to rise. How can you make your services/products stand apart from your competitors? Let’s consider the following.

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Is Your Target Consumer Group Too Large?

Less is more. This concept when applied to marketing can (1) help target your focus, (2) customize your marketing attempts, (3) attract more serious customers, and (4) save your company time and money.

6 Excellent Marketing Techniques for 2016

Unless they are talking about Superbowl ads, advertisements usually receive bad ratings. What if you could offer people your product/company information without being rejected? Consider these 6 marketing techniques utilized successfully by other companies.

4 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Poorly considered marketing efforts can have haunting consequences for your business. A careful hand cannot be overemphasized. Is your marketing campaign a Black-hole?

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