Book Funnel: How to Build it & Grow Your Business (My Strategy to go from $0 – $20M in 6 Years)


Why Using Common Sense To Reach and Retain Fitness Clients Fails

As soon as you declare yourself a personal trainer or a fitness business owner you are a marketer. The problem with that is few fitness business owners gave marketing much thought before that moment. A bigger problem yet is that we approach problem solving with common sense. That, fitness professional, will get you few results.

4 Trends That Will Rule B2B Marketing in 2015

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B2B marketing is changing with the passage of time and companies are investing heavily on different marketing domains. This article elaborates 4 key trends that will shape B2B marketing in 2015.

Do You Need a Camera – Or a Corporate Video Production Service?

Whenever the need comes to create video, whether it be a great marketing piece for your website or an ad for television placement, many business owners are tempted to save costs by producing video in house. However few businesses have the resources, or the experience, that a corporate video production service can provide. If you are currently weighing these costs and benefits, this article examines the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

5 Secrets for a Better Marketing Content Strategy

After experimenting with tons of different content methods, you tend to learn things about planning great content that converts. If you are struggling to increase engagement on with your customers using the best marketing content strategy, you have come to the right place. Here are five secrets for planning content that is guaranteed to increase traffic and engagement and get people taking about your brand.

2015: The Year of Measuring Customer Experience

Almost 4 years after the devastating Christchurch earthquake, we are once again seeing an influx of tourists to this beautiful country. With annual revenue from tourists at $24 Billion, all New Zealand businesses are seeing an increase in revenue. A healthy tourism sector is great for New Zealand, and with a goal to increase to $40.1Billion annually by 2020, the opportunities for New Zealand’s economy are huge.

How to Find and Hire the Right Marketing Agency

A good marketing agency will be trustworthy and talented. Here are a few tips to finding the best fit for your company.

5 Facts to Know About Market Channels

Every business should know about comparing market channel performance, to maximize their marketing dollar. Here are a few helpful facts about market channels.

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