How to Market Effectively With Branded Pens
Using branded pens to promote your company’s products and services has been a time-honored practice among marketers who are looking for a cheaper, but effective way to reach out to potential customers and their target clientele. It’s easy to see why using this approach is favored.
On Buying the Perfect Promotional PensThe pen, a writing instrument used to apply ink on paper, is used for writing and drawing. It is considered the best friend of doodlers, comic artists, list-makers, and writers in general.
Proven Strategies to Market Your New BusinessEvery startup, small business owner or entrepreneur have one thing in common. They all look for a powerful marketing plan to grow and expand. No matter what the industry or target market is, effectively marketing the product or service to the audience, promising clients and partners is crucial for every business success.
The Challenges Of B2B Content MarketingAcceptance of B2B Content Marketing was met with resistance. Plenty of B2B companies have found it hard to measure how content marketing could prove effective for their organisation.
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Story telling in organisations, families and indeed all kinds of tribes is powerful and revealing. The stories give insight into what is valued, rewarded and subsequently insights into culture.
Why Your E-Mail Newsletter Isn’t WorkingIf you aren’t selling relatively inexpensive products, you probably won’t sell much directly from your e-mail newsletter. Now you may be wondering, “then why do I have an e-mail newsletter anyway!?”
Product Managers Need To Understand The Power Of A Candy BarCan we talk about trade shows for just a moment? During my product manager career, I have been to a countless number of these things. I must confess, I love them! The travel, the pageantry, the people that I meet all appeal to me. However, when it comes down to just exactly how successful they are for my product, well, that’s another question. Since none of our companies have unlimited funds, what can a product manager do in order to get the most out of a trade show?