Stop Horsing Around With Your Marketing
Marketing brings the horse to the water. Sales convinces it to drink. Is that how we really do it?
Where to Buy and How to Use Roll-Up, Pull-Up, or Retractable Banner StandsQuestion: I am a graphics broker – or as some would say, a “middle-man” – and would like to know where to find wholesale or discounted pricing on retractable banner stands – also known as roll-up banner stands or pull-up banner stands? Answer: There are a lot of wholesale companies in the US, Canada, and Europe that sell to brokers. We’ve found that most of them are too over-priced for us to be able to add a mark-up and still remain competitive. And there are sites that sell direct at wholesale that make re-selling banner stands difficult as well.
Top Three Reasons Why Logos Are EffectiveLet’s talk about Logos! Whether you’re a sole proprietor or a large corporation, a logo gives your business credibility and makes you easy to remember.
Easy SEO Tips for YouThis article gives you tips on how you can optimize your website for SEO by yourself if you don’t want to hire a SEO company yet. Some tips are given that may help you in this regard. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a method through which you can optimize your website so that it may rank higher in search results. It will give advantage to you over your competitors. Most of online searches are performed on Google, yahoo and Bing. Many people perform SEO to optimize their websites for Google as the majority of daily searchers belong to this search engine. Now, let us discuss top ten tips for DIY SEO.
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Many people struggle with how to follow up with potential clients who say they are interested in working with you. Sometimes you leave them voicemail messages and never hear back. Sometimes they put you off or ask you to call back again at a later date. There are countless reasons why you might not connect right away, even though the person voiced an interest.
What Makes the Best High Traffic Vending Locations!There’s a lot of confusion and outright misinformation among vendor machine operators as to exactly what makes for a good vending location. Some vendors are adamant that only locations with a hundred or more employees are profitable. Others try to get their vending machines into hospitals, schools, airports and the like, thinking that this is the best way to vending riches. Well neither of those assumptions are true and let me explain why.
Show Your Signs’ True ColorsBe particular with choosing the colors for any signage you have. You need to fit your color selection with the kind of business you have and your target audience. You would need not only to have any sign, but a great sign that would attract people’s attention.