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Customer Intelligence Battleground

A battleground between marketers and voice-of-the-customer managers is created by the unhealthy tension in different interpretations of “customer intelligence” and “customer experience” that is UN-intelligent. To do best by customers, as well as shareholder value and employee morale, intelligent management of customer intelligence requires just that: truly balancing well-being of customers, shareholders, and employees in harmony.

Do You Have A Marketing Strategy For Your Business?

Marketing is such a vast field, very few business people ever have a complete marketing strategy. If you think having a good website or being active on Facebook is a strategy, you might be wrong!

Guerrilla Ideas for Marketing Restaurants

The restaurant business is not as easy as one thinks it to be. New eating joints and fast food joints keep coming up. Read this article and know guerrilla ideas of marketing for restaurants to be ahead in the competition.

Business Analytics – “Empowering Business Performance”

Business Analytics (BA) Solutions help organizations of all sizes to discover new ways of optimizing business operations, making new strategic plans, and capturing new market opportunities. They provide information management & business intelligence solutions as a platform for decision making and managing organizational changes wisely and carefully. It enables an organization to leverage a wide range of information work efficiently, offering new services, making smarter decisions for addressing your work imperatives more effectively & helping businesses turn data into opportunities.

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Think Small: Micro-Niche Your Way to Business Success

You can charge higher fees and dominate your competition by “thinking small” and micro-niching your business. Learn how to create a streamlined, micro-niched, profitable business and a “boutique-style” business focused entirely around your passion, personality and expertise and attract a community of people who are drawn to your message and want to work with you. Stand out as a specialist in a sea of generalists.

The Soul of an Advertisement

Samuel Johnson, the 18th-century British writer, once said that a big promise is the soul of an advertisement. That’s as true today as it was 250 years ago.

Act Now, Or Forever Hold Your Peace

One of the problems common to poor sales pitches is the failure to include a strong, resounding call to action. The marketer doesn’t tell the prospect why they must act now. Not doing so is a huge mistake that many marketers make, even the best of us.

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