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Company Histories On Video: Adding Value To Your Enterprise

With the daily challenges confronting every business in today’s hyper-competitive economy, company histories on video can seem like an expensive distraction from the daily grind of making, selling and shipping product. And the payoff for the company history video is not cause-and-effect – like an engaging trade show display or a good volume discount or loyalty rebate. But there can be great brand value in a carefully crafted business history video. The “value proposition” for a corporate history lies in its ability to generate interest and emotional goodwill among clients, customers and stakeholders; and its role in celebration and reward.

Catching the Consumer’s Eye

Marketing is a means of promoting a product or a service to ensure that shoppers buy, and repeatedly buy a product to achieve a particular sales target, to at least, maintain a consistent revenue margin from profit generated on the items sold. The concept of creating a need, followed by enticing customers into making a purchase of a product just introduced, can be termed as marketing. The subject covers activities right from the stage where the product is planned…

Turning Your Brand Into a Product Title

How many of us use the words Walkie-Talkie instead of portable phone, Scotch Tape instead of adhesive tape, Post-It instead of sticky note pad, Vicks instead of balm to cure cold, Surf instead of laundry detergent. Walkie Talkie, Scotch Tape, Post-It, Vicks, and Surf are all brand names, created for recognizing an item, instead somehow the tables turned and now each of this name defines all items that belong to their category. These examples lead to the question of how to market your company?

Tips To Get Your IT Leads Prospects Moving To The Next Level

It can be a tough job to perform an IT lead generation campaign, especially if you are still in the discussion stage. How will you move your talk forward, then? Read on to learn more about it.  

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Social Media: Overcoming Your Fear

Although social media is exploding, many businesses are afraid to use it. This article details common fears and explains why you have no need to worry about them.

Media Conference Minutiae – The Art of Delivering an Effective Media Conference

You have a spectacular event organized that everybody in the world will want to attend as soon as they hear about it. The media are clambering to get an exclusive interview with you.

Marketing As a Conversation

If you ask 20 different experts to define marketing, you’re likely to get 20 different answers. Marketing is the process of educating people about your products or services. It’s how you go about building your brand. It’s what takes place before the sale. Marketing is conducting research to learn about your prospects and customers. It’s the activity that keeps the company looking to the future rather than focusing just on today.

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