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Congratulations – You’re a Life Coach! Now What?

Starting your own business is exciting; especially entering the field of life coaching. You have recognized your ability to inspire others and have committed to bringing your gift to those who need your help.

Features and Benefits – Why Understanding the Difference Is Crucial for Your Business

To say that marketing your company has changed from even ten years ago feels a bit like a cliché. We all know that the marketing landscape has changed – I prefer to look at it as “enhanced” because many traditional marketing channels remain powerful (word of mouth for example).

5 Surefire Ways To Optimize Your Book’s Sell Sheet

In order to become, or remain, financially successful as a self-publisher, you must be able to quickly and effectively get your marketing message to your book-buying audience. Your book’s sell sheet is an excellent tool to do this. The sell sheet is a perfect marketing tool for offline AND online marketing – because it’s simple to understand, and gets directly to the point. So, here is a short discussion of five certain ways to make your sell sheet a very powerful marketing tool.

Back to School – Back to Business!

I don’t know about you, but my social media feed has been filled with back to school photos from family and friends. My kids are older, and back to school has lost the fun it used to have, but I love seeing my friends reach the milestones I did!

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Jump In! How Creating Content Is Like Swimming

I just dropped my daughter off for swim practice at 6:45am! She is starting high school and has never done competitive swimming before, but she signed up for the swim team in order to meet some people and get some great physical activity. Honestly, I am incredibly proud of her for doing this.

How to Sell More to the Clients You Already Have

Generating new leads is tough – you need to be out there hustling, networking, creating, and following up every day. There are amazing tools, such as lead magnets, that can work for you with minimal effort once created.

What Is an SSL Certificate and Why Is It Important for Your Business?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is essential to the security of your website, as it allows a secure connection between your server and a browser. This connection permits the secure transmission of information, between your website and your client as an example.

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