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Why Do I Need a Marketing Plan?

We talk about why you should have a marketing plan. Then go over the steps to starting one.

How Promotional Pens Can Boost Your Business

Promotional pens and marketing are a very simple and effective way of bringing in new clients. You can also use your promotional marketing in house in order to build your branding and improve your ROI.

Why Branded Pens Are Effective When Marketing Your Business

Successful marketing can be one of the toughest tests to any business. When deciding what techniques to use, television and print advertising often spring to mind as the most popular.

Five Best Practices for Group Programs That Rock

Are you starting to develop programs to attract clients in groups? When I first started offering group courses, I had a mix of people who were at different levels. While the programs were successful with a blended group, I definitely felt it would be better to create specific courses that met different needs. Each time I delivered the program, I changed things here and there to improve them.

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Who Is on Your Most Wanted List? How to Target Your Wish List of Ideal Clients

If you want to be strategic about pulling your “Most Wanted Clients” into your business, start with a list of the top people you would jump out of bed in the morning to work with. Do a little sleuthing to find out details about them. If you really want to make your dream clients become a reality, show an interest in them. Now make a plan to reach out to them consistently. Make it a long term goal to develop a relationship with your most wanted clients so that when they need to hire someone, they will think of you.

Marketing Value With Facebook

A look at the vale of Facebook in your marketing campaign. And how the scope of the area can effect it’s value.

Sensual Product Management: Umm, What Do We Need To Know?

So there is no delicate way to talk about this topic, but I’m going to bring it up anyway. As product managers, we’re often not above using sex appeal to motive potential customers to buy our product. However, what happens if the product that we’re trying to sell is sex itself?

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