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Appraisal Marketing Maxim Number Two: Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something

The ability to sell is more important than your ability to appraise. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s quote; “Make a better mousetrap and the world will beat path to your door” is a fallacy. Let’s face it – you already have the better mousetrap. You are trained, tested, qualified, and probably certified. If the world is not beating a path to your door it is because nobody knows that your mousetrap is better. More importantly, they do not know why they need a better mousetrap. Yes, you must learn to sell, no matter how distasteful that sounds. Selling is noble profession. Doctors do it. Lawyers do it. Even clergymen do it. (Ask my business partner, Father Leon Castner)

Be the Mayor of Your Database

Love them or hate them, politicians are typically charismatic and highly influential people. They have a way of walking into a room and instantly commanding respect and attention. When they speak, people in the room listen.

Why Your Website Should Be at the Centre of All Your Marketing Campaigns

It’s amazing how many companies still do not have a prominent web presence. Many companies rely solely on their website to bring in new leads however often these websites are poorly designed, have low quality content and no clear call to action. In this article I’m going to be talking about the importance of having a well thought out website when its comes to marketing your business.

Email Marketing 101: What Not to Do With Your Emails

I just received another email that just pisses me off for the most part! Here are just a few reasons why: I never subscribed to this persons website or opt in form I was listed as a “bcc” I received two messages from the same person using two similar emails within an hour of each other I did not have the option to unsubscribe All of these are what not to do with your emails when it comes to “Email Marketing 101” I had also recently received an email from someone I also had not opted into their list which showed about 60 other emails, all alphabetical that they had just pasted into their “To” box in their own personal email.

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Customer Service Flaws: Stupid Stuff Employees Say

You may be worried about the competitors down the street, but one of the biggest dangers to your profitability may be on your own payroll. When employees speak to customers without thinking first, they can undo a great deal of good will.

Email Marketing 101: What Not to Do With Your Emails

I just received another email that just pisses me off for the most part! Here are just a few reasons why: I never subscribed to this persons website or opt in form I was listed as a “bcc” I received two messages from the same person using two similar emails within an hour of each other I did not have the option to unsubscribe All of these are what not to do with your emails when it comes to “Email Marketing 101” I had also recently received an email from someone I also had not opted into their list which showed about 60 other emails, all alphabetical that they had just pasted into their “To” box in their own personal email.

Customer Service Flaws: Stupid Stuff Employees Say

You may be worried about the competitors down the street, but one of the biggest dangers to your profitability may be on your own payroll. When employees speak to customers without thinking first, they can undo a great deal of good will.

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