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Social Media and Small Business: A Hush Hush Rocky Relationship

For various reasons, in the past you rarely got a glimpse under the sheets of a relationship that was hailed as a marriage made in heaven. And, rarely did you ever openly hear of any discord between small business and its social media spouse. But, trust me… like a rocky relationship in a small southern town with a population of 789, people were quietly talking.

Corporate Promotional Items for People On the Go

Are you looking for corporate promotional items that people can use this summer. On the Go items are perfect for this time of the year. Read more…

21 Top Marketing Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

A business owner who is fully knowledgeable about his company, product or service and the detail analysis of its target niche audience, sets and plans his marketing strategies based on the uniqueness of its business offering and thinks outside the box. To do so he must be aware of the competition and niche market and never assume the product or service will sell for itself. Marketing is the heart of every business and keeps the health of the company in balance.

Promotional Tablet Cases and Personalized Laptop Sleeves

Selecting the promotional tools that more closely relate to your audience is as easy as identifying the latest fad, trend and the like. Excellent for your upcoming conventions, tradeshows and promotional functions, personalized tablet and laptop sleeves are sure to reel in a number of your target audience.

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Marketing 101: Becoming a Medical Marketing Leader

Within healthcare it is often difficult to know how to stand apart from the competition and grow a practice. These tips will help you get off on the right foot.

Selling Artificial Flowers Online – Getting More Customers

If you’ve only been selling your artificial flowers, floral supplies, or foliage in a local shop then you’re missing out on a lot of potential customers. Every single year online sales increase – more and more people are buying online. This means that if you don’t have an online presence, you’re going to struggle. It’s going to be harder to expand and compete against those who do sell online.

How to Attract Highly Profitable Referrals

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most ancient tried and tested systems for building a business. However, the quality of the referrals being given is highly dependent on how the referral was communicated. The profitability and conversion rate of referrals can be significantly increased simply by improving how they were exchanged. This article reveals how to improve the profitability of your word-of-mouth business by changing the approach to obtaining referrals.

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