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The Beginner’s Guide to Mobile Marketing

This year, a number of mobile users globally surpassed computer users in the preferred method for accessing the Internet. For businesses, this means that now more than ever is the time to get your business image out on mobile media. Whether you are considering hiring a mobile marketing agency or are planning marketing options in-house, this beginner’s guide to mobile marketing will give you a leg up in preparing your campaigns.

Tips In Choosing A Digital Marketing Agency

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A digital marketing agency works with a lot of business today to help them reach the right agent. It helps businesses increase brand awareness. It helps businesses increase its customer base. If you are in the business industry, you’d surely want to find a reputable company to help you market your brand. Since these agencies can provide great impact to your business, it’s crucial that you choose the right one.

Getting Published Has Few Barriers to Entry

In years past, there were many barriers to entry to have our material published. Today, with untold numbers of platforms, regardless of the message, the industry and the format, virtually anyone can have his or her material published. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should… not until a few things are in place.

How to Give Your Biz a Cash Bonus for Christmas!

Coaches and Service Professionals – Here are 5 Simple ways to immediately increase CASH-FLOW in your biz. Many coaches and Service Professionals begin to back off at this time of year because they think it’s too late to begin new programmes with prospective clients.

Effective Market Research: The New Strategic Competitive Advantage

Adaptability has become a new competitive advantage, as companies are looking for a way of beating off competition, market research is the answer but consumer behavior should be considered if high level results are to be achieved. Market research helps companies adapt to the ever changing business trends and building customer loyalty. It is worth noting that consumers know a lot about what they want to be offered and they know the business secrets of competitors.

The Truth? Your Customers Can’t Handle The Truth!

How much does your product cost? No, I mean based on your product development definition how much does it really cost? Once you account for all of the taxes, installation fees, ongoing maintenance, how much are your customers going to end up paying to use your product? Perhaps even more importantly, how are your customers going to feel as they start to discover the trail of additional fees above and beyond the initial purchase price that they are going to have to end up paying?

Brands Need to Understand Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is a huge opportunity for brands to expand their reach. Here’s what they need to know in order to succeed in this arena.

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