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Brands In The Soil

Rush in the metro is normal in the early mornings and late evenings. While traveling everyone feels the heat of the crowd, but they forget that more than 70% Indians still live in villages. They forget how much villagers are suffering in rural with the lack of opportunities. And now even the rural part is developing very fast. In fact rural development has become a social responsibility for the corporate houses. Still there are much isolated areas and rural development is booming like never before.

10 Proven Tips To Magnify Your App’s Popularity in App Stores

This article is a key take on the itsy-bitsy yet highly effective techniques to scale up an app’s position in the app stores that raises it chances of download by multiple times. With about millions of apps strolling in the several app stores and hundreds of apps getting submitted daily, isn’t it obvious that the app space is the toughest and competitive one? Apps stores namely Apple’s App Store and Android’s Play Store are unquestionably the two most prominent app stores at present that feature million of astounding apps and represent the greatest malls of the technology world.

Is Marketing Your Small Biz to Millennials Worth It?

Millennials differ from their generational cohort predecessors, and can be characterized by a preference for a flat corporate culture, an emphasis on work-life balance, products that accommodate and social consciousness the Millennial influence is here to stay. Whether you care to believe it or not what millennials want matters, and yes, it does affect your small business.

The Name Is the Game

As humans, we seem to be hard-wired to respond to our name. Almost the first thing a new baby reacts to is the sound of its name. That infant hears their name repeated so often it is imprinted into the child’s unconscious. Adults respond to their name, whether printed or spoken, in exactly the same way.

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Business Cards: Professional & Marketing Purposed

Professional business cards require a certain level of expectation that cannot display any pizzazz but has to clearly be, professional. Is your card supposed to inform your recipient of your contact information or does it promote a product or service? If a product or services does it show a WOW!?

Great Marketing Ideas That Almost Worked

When it comes to advertising a product, a marketing company can sometimes come up with a great out of the box campaign that is bound to bring attention to the product. Other times, a great marketing idea becomes a failure due to unforeseen events or lack of details. This article will show two examples of great ideas that almost worked.

Learn More About Information Marketing

If you are on this page, you are trying to find out what information marketing is. What does this term stand for? What is it about? This term has many other names, such as information products. People have been struggling to find out what exactly the term means. As a matter of fact, this is one of the best businesses in the world. Read on to know more about it.

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