Broad Match VS Exact Match Keywords for SEO – How to Choose Effective Keywords
Choosing the right keywords for your website can be a little confusing. Start by using the Google AdWord Keyword Tool to generate a list of potential keywords, their competition, and number of local and global searches. I recently worked with a client to research and compile a list of effective potential keywords for her site.
Some Tips on Newspaper Display AdsWhen you talk about newspaper display ads with any advertising or marketing professional, one of the things that they will talk about is white space. When you look at a display ad, you may notice that some of the ads have a lot of white space and not as much print as you would expect. The reason for this is because white space is effective at framing a message and making it stand out.
How Not To Waste Your Money On Dental AdvertisingThis article is about how many dental practices waste their money on needless advertising, simply because they have no strategy for answering the telephone when a prospect call in response to the advertisement. There is a great misconception that all you need to do is put an advertisement into the local newspaper and everything will start working, well to capitalise on your expenditure you have to act when a prospective patient calls you.
Seven Steps for Compelling Case StudiesMost marketers know that case studies can be a powerful tool. This article offers several simple recommendations for making them even more powerful and effective.
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It sure is nice to have a professional marketer agree with every single marketing idea you’ve got. As a novice, you’ll feel on top of the world and may even start to wonder why you don’t just do your own marketing! Before you get carried away with pride, put yourself in the marketer’s shoes and ask yourself why a professional marketer with experience and qualifications ever let you feel like you could manage their job yourself? From a business perspective that makes absolutely no sense and from a marketing perspective I am here to tell you that taking care of your own marketing plan is a fast track to failure.
How Dentists Can Get More PatientsWondering what has happened to your patients. Suddenly, why they have stopped visiting your office? Sit down and don’t think like a dentist for a moment.
Video Marketing Strategy: Determining What Will Work for Your AudienceSuccessful web optimisation and by extension video marketing relies on careful research and testing done by your brand in order to determine the success rates of any digital campaign. The process usually involves finding out all the relevant information, then making a theoretical diagnosis of what needs to be done to optimise your campaign on various levels.