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Procure Benefits of Qualitative Research

Undeniably, the market competition is growing harder with each passing day. Business owners are hunting for innovative techniques to improve their businesses and impress their potential customers. However, you need to stay updated with customers’ expectations and demands. A slightest ignorance can disappoint your customers, and your competitors will benefit from your mistake.

The Necessary Good of Small Business Marketing

Marketing is to business as a hammer is to a nail. It is a tool, a necessary function to make the other functions work.

How To Write A Winning Proposal

In today’s economy, businesses must write more proposals – and better proposals – than ever before. As the industry has become more competitive and complex, customers have become both more confused and more demanding. As a result, they are likely to listen to a presentation, nod their heads, and mutter those dreaded words, “Sounds good! Why don’t you put that in writing for me?”

Screw the Internet: 24 Offline Retail Marketing Tactics You Can Start Doing Today

There’s no fighting the online movement; you still need a good website and some social media presence. But in many cases, retail shops can increase sales and improve their image by simply getting back to the basics-the fundamentals of local retail marketing, building exposure and meaningful relationships. Here are 24 offline retail marketing tactics you can start doing today to help you get ahead of the game.

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Some Thoughts on Thought Leadership Marketing

You’re an author or thought leader (or aspire to be one); you’ve got a model, a message, a methodology that you’ve developed and you’re thinking about ways to market your services, solutions or products… now what? Where do you start? What is the most effective way for a thought leader to market themselves? Write another book? Hire a PR firm? Develop a product road map? Probably not. The least expensive and most powerful way to do so is to develop a thought leadership marketing program. It isn’t particularly difficult, but it does take discipline and focus.

9 Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know About Marketing Your Local Business Online

As a small business owner you may be wondering if you should invest any time or money on marketing your local business online. After all you are already being pulled in a thousand directions by your business, your staff, your customers; and the last thing you need is another responsibility – especially if it won’t pay off. I understand your concerns so in this article I aim to give you some facts that will help you make a better decision. To start with I think its important that you realize that search engines are now the number one media type consumers use to find local business like yours.

Benefits of Outsourced Product Development

Outsourced product development is the new thing. Relying on old fashioned software vendors is old news. Today, organizations that launch the best software product or service in the market quicker are the ones who are successful.

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