Freelance pricing strategy – How to make money from home with the most profitable freelance niches

Competitive Advantage Assessment Process

The number one assessment is to: 1) EVALUATE RESOURCES The basis for a competitive advantage often lies in the resources and the abilities that are already available, even though the resources may not be initially recognized. Begin by taking a critical look at the existing resources and products/service offerings. What does the venture have that could be used as an advantage?

Product Description: Comparing Accountancy and Engineering Students in MARKETING

To my surprise Engineering students are better in presentation involving marketing if to compare to Accountancy/ Commerce students. This was based to my observations during a simple task given as I teach both classes in the time being. The task was simple, students are divided into groups (4-5 members in a group) and they have to choose any one product that is available with them in class and (after an hour of discussion) to present the product in term of its description (physical attributes, specifications, price etc.

How Your Online Business Can Take The Advantage Of Mobile Marketing

Mobile users are increasing day-by-day. This tremendous increase might be the result of advanced technological developments which have introduced people with the innovative multipurpose hand-held devices. Now, the smartphones are used more by the mobile shoppers. This is the reason why online businesses are blessed to take the advantage of mobile marketing.

Globalization – An Insight Analysis

The gossip about globalization is found elsewhere. In this article the readers get an inherent analysis about the insights of globalization.

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Why You Should Use Branded Pens to Advertise Your Business

There’s all sorts of ways of advertising your business, from television to print adverts, websites, radio and more. It can be difficult to decide just how to advertise your business, although budget is almost always one of the deciding factors. Televisions adverts can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds for a single run (depending on the time slot and the duration), and it takes much more than showing the advert the once for it to make any sort of impact. The size of your business and who you’re trying to appeal to will also help you decide – if you’re a local business there will be little to no point putting out national advertisements.

How to Use Promotional Pens to Boost Your Business

Promotional products must have gone the way of the dinosaur by now, surely? All those corporate stress balls and brochures have been thrown to the wayside in favour of digital marketing, blog posting, SEO, Twitter, Facebook and other such buzzwords which very few people in the heart of businesses really understand. Just because there are new forms of advertising to try out doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be using the existing and perhaps more importantly, proven methods which have been working for decades.

How to Find Your Voice In Your Writing

When I first started writing articles and blog posts to promote my business I found it very difficult to express myself. As a trained teacher I found it easier to “teach” rather than add my own personality into the piece of work I was creating. Over time I realized that the writing I generated,although sound in fact, was dry and impersonal and not so interesting to the reader. When you read content by someone who’s found their voice there’s a certain ring to it. You can read their passion and love for what they do in their writing. The process of ‘finding my voice’ in my writing is an ongoing one but I thought I would share some pointers with you that may help if you’re new to writing.

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