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What Is Business Communication Worth?

What is business communication really worth to you and your professional service firm? Does it matter how well you communicate with your prospects, clients and customers? What about your staff – do they need quality communication, or can you rely on their proven abilities with clairvoyance? These may seem like funny questions to ask, but you’d be surprised by the equally funny answers some people give. With so much riding on quality business communication, it pays to hone these skills and recognize how they translate directly to your bottom line. To find out more, read on…

Why Does Your Business Need a Mentor?

One of the ways to avoid aches and pains in your business and feel supported on that less artistic part of your journey is to work with a mentor. It’s always easier to have someone who will show you the way and present shortcuts towards gaining adequate knowledge.

Getting the Best Respondents: The Foundation of Consumer Market Research

Knowing what consumers are saying about a certain product or service both the criticisms and praises, being able to predict what they might need in the future, discovering what they think of other brands of the same product or service, and learning if consumers will stay loyal or go on to another brand are all part of consumer market research. Shopper Insights is one technique in learning about what consumers are looking for, what satisfies them and which ones don’t. Whatever the reasons are, logical or not, are vital information needed by companies.

Proving the False Deaths of Email and Email Marketing

Email does and will continue to exist, especially in marketing, because the format itself allows people to convey messages in an appropriately-worded, adequately-elaborated, and professionally-presented manner that no other medium can best offer. While text messaging could be deemed as pushy and cold-calling as intrusive, email in its own right allows the recipient the freedom to respond to messages at his or her own time. That way it becomes more personal, yet, in more ways than none, still strictly business.

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Flash In The Pan Marketing

Before you make a blog post, before you post to your Facebook timeline or before you shoot your next video, ask yourself this question, “What is my marketing focus?” The next question you should ask yourself is, “Who is my target audience?”

Problem Solving Marketing

Problem Solving Marketing is by far the best type of marketing you can achieve. It allows you to sell without appearing to be a salesman. Instead your customers will see you as a solutions provider.

Designing the Perfect Spot UV Business Cards for Your Business

Choosing the right business card for your business can be difficult. This article will examine the options and best practices for customers who would like to opt for spot UV business card types.

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