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The Benefits Of Creative Business DVD Packaging

In a very popular study launched by a university in Japan, two ATM machines reveal the significant impact of packaging when it comes to consumer impression and appreciation. In the study, researchers asked the respondents to use two ATM machines with the same structure, speed and system-the only difference is that the other one looks plain and simple, while the other one is bedecked in attractive colors, cute buttons and sleek-looking interface. As expected, respondents claimed that the more creatively designed machine is easier and more efficient to use, even if the commands and controls were all exactly the same,…

Design Tips For Free Business Cards

Your free business cards should steer away from designs that are overly decorative and busy. Not only can this sometimes translate poorly when the cards are printed out, but it can also give the impression that yours is not a company to take seriously. Stay away from dark or whimsical colors, unless of course the nature of your business can support a fuchsia design.

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Online Questionnaires

There are 10 common mistakes made by people who create online questionnaires. If you want to ensure yours is successful in terms of number of responses and quality and quantity of responses, you must avoid these ten pitfalls.

7 Creative Marketing Ideas to Spice Up Your Marketing Content

If you ate the same handful of healthy foods each day you’d probably survive – but you’d likely also crave something different. The same is true of content marketing. As marketers, we usually survive on a steady diet of white papers, articles, case studies and blog entries. Though the information varies, it always uses the same tried-and-true format. If you feel like you’re stuck in a content rut, try one of these creative marketing ideas to add some spice to your marketing efforts.

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Its Official, Pinterest for the Business Community Is Here

Pinterest has launched new features for the business community! Those of us who have been using Pinterest for business (and quite successfully) knew this day was coming…

Effective Social Media Management and Your Brand

Managing a brand’s social media presence can be a demanding and time-consuming endeavour for companies. Since it has well and truly become an integral part of almost all brands’ digital presence, managing the ever-growing social presence is now a full time job.

Display Marketing: Guerilla or Gorilla?

“Guerilla” Marketing has become a fixture style of advertising and marketing. Campaigns have become things that are waged against consumers in many ways. A “viral attack” by a promotional campaign is deemed a good thing, at least by the marketers. In an increasingly crowded marketplace, can Display Marketing as an industry benefit from moving away from this combative style and back to a kinder, gentler, more personally interactive way of promoting products and services?

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