Hiring a Facebook Ads Specialist or a Marketing Specialist: Knowing the Key Differences

Are you trying to decide between hiring a Facebook Ads Specialist or a Marketing Specialist for your business? While both roles have overlapping areas of expertise, there are key differences that can impact the success of your advertising campaigns. In this blog post, we’ll explore those differences so you can make an informed decision on which specialist would best fit your business needs. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness or drive sales, understanding the varying skills and responsibilities of each role can help you make the right choice.

Hiring a Facebook Ads Specialist or a Marketing Specialist: Knowing the Key Differences

Are you a business owner wondering whether to hire a Facebook Ads specialist or a marketing specialist? These two job titles may seem similar, but there are crucial differences between them. In this article, we’ll help you understand those differences so you can make an informed decision on which specialist to hire for your business.


Facebook Ads and marketing are two essential business components. Both aim to attract customers, increase sales, and generate profit. However, their techniques and approaches vary. A Facebook Ads specialist focuses solely on Facebook Ads, while a marketing specialist provides a comprehensive assessment of a business’s entire marketing strategy, both online and offline.

The Differences

Let’s take a closer look at what distinguish Facebook Ads specialists and Marketing specialists:

Facebook Ads Specialist

A Facebook Ads specialist is an expert in navigating the Facebook Ads Manager, creating and placing ads, and optimizing campaigns. They’re responsible for the technical aspects, such as setting up conversion tracking, installing and troubleshooting pixels, and experimenting with different ad formats.

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Marketing Specialist

A marketing specialist, on the other hand, has a broader approach: they examine the entire business strategy and goals. They determine which marketing channel is the best fit for the company, whether it’s social media, email marketing, or television. They also work to identify potential target audiences and the most effective way to reach them. A marketing specialist takes into account the entire customer journey, from awareness to purchase, and provides insights on how to improve each stage.

Which Specialist Should You Hire?

The right specialist for your business depends on your needs and circumstances. Here are some scenarios to help you make your decision:

Business Owners Who Understand Marketing

If you’re someone who has a good understanding of marketing and how it works, and you’re just looking for someone to help with the technical details of Facebook Ads, such as ad placement or setting up conversion tracking, a Facebook Ads specialist may be the right fit for you.

Needing An Overhaul In Marketing Strategy

If you’re looking to improve your entire marketing strategy beyond just Facebook Ads, a marketing specialist is your best bet. They’ll analyze your current marketing strategy, identify areas for improvement, and provide a comprehensive plan to attract and retain customers.

Needing Technical Troubleshooting

If you’re having trouble with your Facebook Ads Campaigns, and need technical help to navigate the Ads Manager or fix pixel issues, then a Facebook Ads specialist is what you need.

A Combination of Both

If you want both technical help with Facebook Ads and strategic insights on how to improve your overall marketing performance, you can hire both a Facebook Ads specialist and a Marketing specialist to work together.


Choosing between hiring a Facebook Ads specialist or a marketing specialist depends on your business needs. Identify what issues you need help with and what areas of your marketing need the most attention. Consider the scope of their expertise: a Facebook Ads specialist is adept at running campaigns, while a marketing specialist offers broader insights into the entire business. With all these in mind, you can make the right decision that fits your budget and your business goals.


  1. What does a Facebook Ads specialist do?
    A Facebook Ads specialist is responsible for creating, placing, and optimizing Facebook Ads campaigns. They’re an expert in navigating the Ads Manager and implementing technical details like conversion tracking and pixel installation.

  2. What does a marketing specialist do?
    A marketing specialist examines the entire marketing strategy of the business, identifying the most effective channels and tactics to reach customers. They offer comprehensive recommendations beyond Facebook Ads.

  3. What are the key differences between a Facebook Ads specialist and a Marketing specialist?
    A Facebook Ads specialist focuses on the technical aspects of Facebook Ads campaigns, while a Marketing specialist takes a broader approach and assesses the entire business’s marketing strategy.

  4. Should I hire a Facebook Ads specialist or a marketing specialist?
    It depends on your business needs. If you need help with Facebook Ads campaigns, a Facebook Ads specialist is the right choice. If you’re looking to overhaul your entire marketing strategy, a marketing specialist can provide comprehensive insights.

  5. Can I hire both a Facebook Ads specialist and a marketing specialist?
    Yes! If you want technical help with Facebook Ads campaigns and strategic insights on improving your overall marketing performance, you can hire both specialists to work together.

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