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5 Ways to Boost Your Biz Organically

Before I start out, let’s be clear: we’re all in business in some form or another, whether we’re business owners or individuals seeking opportunity. Gaining traction, traffic, attention, and followers doesn’t have to be expensive, and putting your best foot forward in order to showcase your talents and make moves doesn’t have to be an agonizing process. Here are five easy ways to get some extra mileage out of things you’re likely already doing:

How Custom Window Graphics Can Elevate Your Business

Point of sale marketing begins with your store front. Custom window graphics can help elevate your business by driving more traffic and establishing immediate recognition with your customers.

What Can Product Managers Learn From Dating Apps?

I can only speak for myself, but during the course of my career I have been the product manager for a number of very boring applications. You know, business-to-business stuff. Back in the day as I worked on my product development definition, how I dreamed of being responsible for a product that had millions of users and was associated with something that was more interesting. It turns out that this dream has now come true for a large number of product managers out there: they are responsible for dating apps. This market is growing and making your app successful has become very hard to do!

Get Your Marketing Up To Speed So You Can Compete

I’ve been writing a lot about the massive changes happening in philanthropy. Competition is no longer a dirty word for nonprofits. Frankly, it should never have been.

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Successful Marketing Tips For A Paintball Field

Paintball has been a popular past time for the last 25 years and is a well-known recreational sport. Despite this, starting a paintball field can be a risky venture. Considered an extreme sport, paintball does not appeal to every demographic; to make a business of this type go, you must be a savvy marketer. Traditional methods of marketing that may work for some businesses will most likely not work for a paintball field. Blanketing your local population with radio, TV and/or newspaper ads will drain a new start-up’s small budget into bankruptcy quickly. While getting the word out about your new business is a must, being extremely careful about how you do this is even more important. Keep reading this article to learn some helpful tips about how to market a paintball field business successfully without losing your shirt in the process.

Marketing Yourself As A Human Being

It’s always important to portray yourself more as human as opposed to being perfect. This article will touch upon some methods you can use in marketing yourself in ways that will appeal to the average customer.

Improving Your Communication Approach

As a business person who is constantly working to make your brand more and more recognizable and more and more popular, the way in which you communicate is everything so you need to make sure that your communication strategy (approach) is all that it should be to ensure your success. Choosing the correct communication approachWhen it comes to promoting your brand and products and/or services, you must always put your clients’ needs ahead of your own needs. You have most likely already discovered that your marketing materials are driven directly by what your clients and prospective clients want and need for…

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