How I Do Affiliate Marketing? My Strategies & Tips [2021]


Translation: Accelerator for Marketers

In the days of the yore, a product was designed for a specific culture, a particular market need and a niche demand profile. Invisible boundaries used to separate businesses from large untouched segments, largely due to the lack of language translation services.

Research Leaders Should Promote Their Teams Inside the Company

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In my role I have the privilege of speaking with corporate marketing research leaders across the country, and I’ve been curious about how they promote or “sell” their teams inside their companies. Every single director I’ve asked reports that they promote their teams in one form or another, to one degree or another, and for one reason or another. The importance of promoting internally became quite apparent quickly in each interview.

Moving Targets: Keeping Your Marketing Relevant in an On-The-Go World

The presence of mobile technology in our world is undeniable, but the sheer scope, or reach, of those devices is difficult to grasp with out some sort of quantification. Try this number on for size: Gartner estimates that 1.2 billion smartphones and tablets were bought worldwide in 2013.

The 5 Dumbest Things You Can Do With Logo Giveaways

Logo giveaways are one of the hallmarks of the exhibitor floor at any trade show or conference. For small business owners and marketers, those giveaways can be the best way to stay in front of the potential customer or client long after the show has ended and the booth has been packed up. But there are some things you shouldn’t do when it comes to logo giveaways based on experiences of a promotional product company that deals with businesses handing out items on a daily basis.

Taking People-Based Marketing Offline

People-based marketing has been called the “biggest shift in marketing since digital” by Suneet Bhatt, the chief marketing officer of LiveIntent. People-based marketing allows you to shift your marketing target away from generalized data about a group and more toward the individuals in that group so you can provide the right message at the right time to the right person to cultivate the customer relationship and encourage the buying decision. What Is People-Based Marketing?

Why Umbrellas Are The Best Gifting Option For Promotional Activities

Umbrellas have been around for 3000 years and are a common sight, offering protection from the rain, snow and sunshine. It is only in recent years they have been adopted as the vehicle for promotional activity taken up by companies. Umbrellas offer protection and have been used symbolically in advertisements to convey this idea, be it health insurance or an all weather coat of paint protecting your home.

Why Golf Umbrellas Make Good Promotional Gifts For Business

Custom golf umbrellas have become very popular corporate gifts and marketing or advertising tools. It is always a good idea to try and reach customers in special ways and the umbrellas make very good choices for many businesses. They may not be cheap items, but they hold so much value and last long compared to cheaper gift options like pens that only serve for a short period of time before they become valueless.

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