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Importance of Conducting a Market Research

Market research is the process of collecting data needed to determine whether a particular product/service will satisfy the needs of our target customers. By doing so, we are able to gather information regarding our competitors, the economic shifts, the current market trends and the spending behavior of our customers.

The 4 Benefits of Providing Employees With Customised T-Shirts

Several companies around the world feel that employee engagement is the best tool to retain them in their business. Some believe that giving out freebies to the employees may help while a few feel that periodic recreational tasks may help to enhance the morale of the employees.

Know You, Like You, Trust You

No matter what medium you choose to use, quality content is still at the heart of good marketing. Your content tells potential customers who you are and you do this by providing useful, quality information that is provided for information’s’ sake.

Printing Services – The Perfect Tool To Reach Your Marketing Goals

Printing services are an excellent way to incorporate marketing materials into your strategy. Achieve awareness by focusing target areas. By doing this clients will discover the potential of one’s business.

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Advantages of Wholesale Marketing

To understand the advantages of wholesale marketing you should first have a clear idea about the concept of wholesale marketing. In wholesale marketing the producer or the manufacturer of the item will directly sell their product to the company. These companies then have an option of directly offloading the product in the retail market or sell the same as their own brand. There are a number of advantages to wholesale marketing. We shall have a brief insight into 6 such advantages of wholesale marketing.

Product Promotion On A Budget

There are a lot of companies that a product manager can work for and it sure feels like I’ve worked for many of them. During my career so far, I’ve worked for four very large international firms and four startups. I can tell you that when I’ve been working for a startup, money has always been tight. However, as a product manager, I still needed to let customers know about my product and why they needed it. Product promotion on a budget is a skill that every product manager needs to have!

How To Create A Marketing Campaign: Define Your Target Audience

One of the most important steps in creating a marketing campaign is defining a target audience. This article teaches you exactly why this step is important and how to do it.

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