Do Stubby Coolers Work?
Of all the promotional products available in the market, why should a brand opt for a stubby cooler? Are these stubby holders really effective? What are the ways it can be used to make sure that the brand in question gets noticed? There are several reasons that make them popular among customers.
Generating Leads Like The Smart Guys DoWanna have a successful and profitable business? Then you need leads… and lots of them. Where can you find the most leads? Door to door? The mortgage company down the street? No. Work smarter not harder.
7 Reasons Why A Mobile App Will Help Improve Your Medical PracticeMobile internet usage is growing rapidly, and is only going to continue to grow as more and more people buy smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. As a business in today’s world, it is almost expected of you to have some form of mobile website or application available so that your customers can quickly and easily access your businesses information, social media pages and much more. With that in mind, here are seven reasons why a mobile app will help improve your practice.
Quack Your Way To Success Like AFLAC!By now, everyone is aware of the insurance conglomerate AFLAC. What most people don’t realize is that the company was started in 1955 by three brothers in Columbus, Georgia who pooled together $40,000 in an effort to sell supplemental cancer insurance. Not only was the start-up underfunded and slow but business also got so bad that the brothers were forced to sell their office furniture so that money could be generated to remain in business.
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As a small business owner, you may be considering new ways in which to advertise your business to the local community. One potential way to get your company or brand name seen by a lot of people is to hire a promotional trailer, which you can use to highlight your company name, as well as giving details of any of the special offers which your company is currently doing.
What You Should Include in a Press ReleaseWriting and distributing press releases to promote your business should be an important part of your marketing plan. In this article, the author offers some tips on what you should include in a press release in order to make it work for your business.
How to Use Your Advertising Budget EffectivelyPT Barnum famously once said that he knew half of his advertising wasn’t working, he just didn’t know which half. With some kinds of advertising – such as awareness building advertising, wasting half of your advertising budget is a fact of life. Although this situation may be inevitable for large scale advertisers, it is entirely unnecessary for small business advertising. To be successful, you’ve got to play to your strengths, not your weaknesses. For small businesses this means making every dollar of your small ad budget count. Let’s look at how this is done.