In this Fiverr tutorial I'm going to be Showing you guys exactly how to create a Seller account on Fiverr isn't it right So I'm going to be taking you through The whole step step by step show you Guys exactly what to do you know to Actually get started and the things that You should not do right so I'm going to Be sharing some important favorite tips As we proceed in today's video so it's Important that you stay with me from Beginning to the end of this video as I'm going to be leaving no stone Unturned and if you have seen me for the First time let me check out and I make Videos around making money online so What I do is that I try things out the Work I come right here I'll show you Guys exactly what I've done hoping that You can do the exact same thing and of Course get the exact same result for Those of you who don't know Fiverr is an Online Marketplace for services right That's where I actually made my first Big money online and before I be I Stopped selling on Fiverr actively I Have made I made over a hundred thousand Dollars on Fiverr before I left it right And I'm gonna be sharing some of these Tips that I used to actually met Actually succeed or Fiverr in today's Video so it's important that you smash The like button on this video subscribe To my channel most importantly tell out
The Bell notification button so that When I drop more amazing videos just Like what you're about to watch right Now YouTube is going to send you a Notification instantly now that's it Guys let's go to my laptop screen and Let me show you guys exactly how to Create a seller Fiverr account in 2023 That's today right now let's go and do It guys so what you need to do right now Is to click on the first link in this Video description and it's going to Bring you to this Fiverr interface that You're looking at right now so our once You are here what you need to do is to Click on join right click on join and It's going to show you this so it says Enter your email address so I'm going to Put in my email address right here just Put in my email address right here for You right now you're going to be putting In your old email address not met of Course so I'm gonna cheat uh continue Right right because it's continue and This is loading up right now so he says Choose a username and a password now This username is very important it's one Of the favorite tips I'm going to be Sharing make sure that your username Um has a SEO behind it so what exactly Are you going to send it on Fiverr right Is this CV design is it whatever it is Right or find the name that is only Comparison or what's his scenario just
Use your name right so I can say that I Want to use Gerald Gerald the resume or Gerald social media social media Guru or Something like that your username has Another tool or whatever it is that you Want to position yourself as an expert About on right so let's say You're a WordPress developer you can see Your web developer you can see Um Gerald WordPress or the WordPress Gerald no something like that right what The problem with this is that most times It limits you from doing other things on Fiverr you eventually right so you may Want to stick with your name or you Might want to stick with whatever I Think so let this actually be the guide So I can say tomato resume automatically Tomato rights right you do because I'm Thinking right now that my profile on Fiverr is about writing right whether I'm writing resume or writing um Articles or writing blog posts or Writing websites content or writing Tweets or writing Instagram captions Whatever it is right so let's uh do that Right now I'm gonna say tomato rice Tomato rice that's what I'm calling Myself on Fiverr right now write the Matter right I'm going to choosing a Password so choose a password I can Remember of course right and it has to Be it characters or longer combined Upper and lowercase letters and numbers
This is also very important so let me Put put in put a choose a username here Uh password rather I'm going to call it Uh this Right so I've chosen I've I've keyed in My password I hope this worked so it has Not shown me that this good sign That is showing here it's not showing it To me I hope it works I'm going to hit Join now so I click on join and let's See what's going to happen So it's looting and he actually logged Us in right So he says tomato rights you need to Activate your account an email has been Sent to this email to make sure this Email is correct now go to your email Block I'm going to be seen an email from Fiverr which is right here it says Fiverr activate your new account so Let's do that right now so we've created Our account right now we're activating Our account basically so I'm going to click on activate your Account So this is loading up let's give it a While So beautiful for our account has been Activated which is why it says account Successfully activated hey this is a Great time to edit your profile so we're Getting the Yellow by letter Song says this is a great time to edit Your profile so the next thing we're
Going to be doing right now we've set up Like our account right we've activated It and that's what we're going to be Doing right now is to edit our profile Right so I'm going to hit edit your Profile right here So this is close enough I'm going to Give it all right right here you're Going to put your full name right here So what is your name your full name your Real name your name on your ID card That's we're going to be putting right Here so this I'm going to be using a Random name because I already have an Account and it is not allowed for you to Have two or more accounts so I'm going To put in a name a random name here Let's call it Um George kunali at Chums I'm just Making up name right so I'm going to hit Save changes right here so this we're Gonna put our full name I hit save Change instead settings successfully Change so let's come down right here so This is when you want to deactivate your Account you can actually select the Reason why you deleted your account I Hit deactivate if you want to do that so We've done this so next we're going to Do right now is to go to security right Here right to look at the security uh Stuff so uh this is where you change Your password your new country this is Your current password you can change
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Your password put the new password Here Confirm it right here and hit save Changes right you can also verify your Phone number which is who we're going to Be doing right now so it was verified You verify your telephone number it's Very important so what I'm going to do Right now is to click on verify now this Is very important of course your country Shows here you're going to put in your Phone number right here so I'm going to Put in my phone number right here so it Says verified by SMS or verify by call So if you click on verify by SMS a text Message is going to be sent to your Phone and you're going to be putting it Right here but if you click on verify by Call Um Fiverr is going to call you I read Out to the code to you so you can put in The code right here so let's say verify By SMS I click on that and it says Please enter verification code so let's See if they know if the code actually Does code just came in now see how fast It is so the code is 6049 I'm going to Put in the code here 6049 right I put 6049 here I click on Submit code and it says your phone Number successfully verified Your phone number was verified Successfully thank you so I'm going to Hit okay you see you're making progress We set up on our account we activate our
Account we've affected our our email Address you know we set up our security Issues and all of that and right now we Have just verified our phone number Unless you will need to do right now is To add a security question right this is Just different layers of security so That if somebody logs into get access Into your Fiverr account it's gonna be Difficult for them to actually do Anything because they don't have all This information so I'm going to come Here select your question what is the Name of elementary school Um your first pet name your childhood Nickname what was it your parents made Or what is the name of a favorite Childhood friend so let's say if parents Meet let's say probably London Right thus making things up let's say uh London and hit finish so this is my Secret question so he says phone number Uh verified so security question has Also been verified so you see that this Has been I'll come to edit this one edit Also because you fix this now the next Thing you can also do is to set up in Two-factor authentication right so that Whenever you're trying to log into your Fiverr account the Fiverr will send an SMS to your phone right before you can Actually log in now if you set this up It's an added layer of security so that
Even if somebody gets your password they Will they will still need the code that Sent to your phone for them to be able To log into your Fiverr account so it's Important I'm not going to be doing that But I want to encourage you to actually Do that All right so we're done with the Security so notifications this is where Fiverr sends your notifications to you Right like I say you want to receive an Email for import messages orders other Updates rating I encourage you to Actually need this thing the way it is Right make sure that you receive Notifications for anything that is Happening on your account so I'm gonna Come here business information so this Is actually optional this is optional Right so I don't normally set this up Because this is a seller account of what You're trying to sell upload a buyer Account so a payment method this is how You want to buy things on Fiverr that's What it's talking about so it is not a Buy this is a buyer account right now so But I promised you guys I'm going to be Showing you how to create a seller Account on Fiverr right so let's do that Now if you look at this place it says Start selling it right so this is what We need to go to be able to create a Seller account on Fiverr very very Important so before we do that let me
Come here and click on our logo here Come to profile right You're going to be seeing the fact that Your profile doesn't have any image Right here so it's important for you to Put an image of yourself now I see People put rubbish images or Fiverr Please do not do that take a Professional headshot you can do that With your phone copy it very well and Put it right here on your Fiverr account Let's do that right now I'm going to Click here and find a a an image on my On my on my computer So let's say I want to use this image For instance right and I'm going to talk About tablets and this this image of Myself actually shows up right here Automatically and this is a good image Because it shows if my face smiling you Know I'm looking in the a little Professional you know but I think you Should you can do better you know take It take a better picture you know for This and make sure your face is little So people see this smile no smile is Contagious you know when you smile you Actually does a whole lot to that when You are when you put a picture where you Are frowning or don't do that please now The next thing you need to do is to come Here and put now put a one-line story That captures what you do right so I'm Gonna click here so our profile is about
Writing I write or a living And put exclamation mark right so this Captures the one line that captures Exactly what you do you know if uh maybe You are you are you are you're a ux UI Design you actually uh shoot ux I I live And Bridge ux UI you know something like That so something catchy that envelopes Exactly what you are offering on Fiverr Right So uh of course you don't preview Preview your profile from here and all Of that but you can click on become a Seller right here or you can click on it From this place whichever that you do is Completely fine right it will take you To the exact same place so I'm going to Click on start sending right here right I click on start selling and it's going To bring me to this interface so Your work work your way you break the Skill will make the endings easy that's What fiber does basically and you see That the PCC people that are actually Actually on Fiverr and the kind of Services that they offer and all of that But you don't need to you know deal with All of this just come here and click on Become a seller that's what you need to Do and your your the process will Actually setting up a seller account Begins so like become a seller now I'm Ready to start selling on Fiverr here's The breakdown learn what you do for
Successful seller create your seller Profile and publish your gig you know That's exactly what we're going to be Doing so um this is a video that I can Actually watch to help you know drive Home what you're supposed to do but I Don't think you need that so I'm just Going to come here and click on continue Right it's going to bring us to this Interface what makes a successful Fiverr Profile take your time in creating your Profile so it exactly as you want it to Be uh ad create credibility by linking Out to your really professional networks I'm going to be explaining all of these Things as we proceed accurately describe Your personal skills to help you get More work also important put a face to Your name upload a profile picture that Clearly shows your face I already Explained that to keep you our Communities secure for everyone we may Ask you to verify your ID Fiverr is is Not me once you start making money Forever is going to be asking you to Verify your ID and I'm going to be Showing you exactly how to do that so I'm going to come here and go to Continue Now let's talk about the things you want To stay clear providing me any Misleading or innocuous information About your identity you need to make Sure you're using your related to your
Name right has to match with the name of Your ID card is very important now Opening duplicate account remember you Can always create more gigs so Fiverr Does not allow you to have more than one Account so please do not do that right Before you open a new one go and Deactivate your old Fiverr account now Soliciting other members for work on Fiverr do not start messaging people on Fiverr telling them to give you work Please do not do that right so if you Want me to make a video on how to Actually to show you exactly how to get Orders on Fiverr let me know in the Comment section of this video and I will Make a separate video showing you guys Exactly how to do that so requesting to Take communication and payment outside Forever now this is something that Fiverr froze on you can actually get Your account deactivated and you bad or Fiverr if you do this do not tell Clients to contact you on your phone Number or stuff like that if ever Notices that they are going to be very Angry at you and you might lose your Account and you don't want that to Happen to you but there's a way we Actually do this imagine already we're Actually smart about this so we actually Do this and Fiverr will not know and What that means is that we actually keep All the money that this client is paying
You uh Fiverr will not be taking 20 from You so a lot of persons do it Alternative my days on Fiverr right and I said that's a good way to actually do That if you want me to actually show you That let me know in the comment section And I will include that in my Fiverr Tips and tip further tricks and tips Video of course if you're interested Comment section is right please search And let me know So I'm going to come here and hit Continue right so personal information Of course you're gonna put your full Name right here always enable you use I've forgotten I think it was George G-o-r-g-e that's the name we use we're Using for this tutorial now with Description of yourself a description of Yourself now this is where you also get Interested right you need to write a Little blob about yourself what is it Explain it what you do you have 600 Characters so you can you can go ahead And include include more things write That I have I started writing when I was 10 years old you know and the first and I was a editor-in-chief of My Magazine When I was in university on my of our School magazine when I was in university And this and this and that and blah blah When the Dead Winter is first class on Us in Social and so it doesn't have to Be the truth right you're trying to sell
Yourself so this is what we call Copywriting so in this place now you Sell yourself and let me show you where This is going it's going to appear and Why why it's very important for compared To it but I'll come back to forever Right here I'll find um somebody that That writes basically right and I also I Always say these things Success New Clues right look at the people that are Doing the exact same thing that you want To do suitable that are successful and Of course most of the way you copy them You actually begin you're actually doing The right thing not copying the Envirating right by mirroring them I Think that that's a better word to use So let's say for instance I come to Writing and translation I come to Article and blog writing And I find somebody that does articulum Blog writing blog posts right so I find Somebody that does it here apparently This person looks like she's actually Successful doing it right so let's uh Click on her name here All right click here on her profile I Want to show you guys where that Description is going to be appearing on Your page and why it's very important so If I click on her name here you're going To be seeing that this is the one line That we added while we put a viewing Situation from a fresh perspective
That's what she put it out right so it Got to be a little more creative about This so it shows on her on her profile So this is the description I help brands With stories with words also I write Chris readable SEO optimize blah blah Blah and everything so I can actually Copy this right now Right I'll copy this right now Ctrl C Come to uh open the notepad document That pays this in and let me reward this I will help your brand I will Help Your brand Right so you understand what I'm trying To do I don't want this is very long but I also want it very detailed that's what I'm taking time you know drop me a Message leave a message for me Leave A message For me For me If you want If you let me say if you need Very Helpful need to consider the top notch Understand Right so I'm gonna copy this right now Ctrl C come here to okay personal Information And paste this in so we have gotten our Our description Rise
We've got now description right here so I'm going to scroll down so languages What languages do you speak select your Ideas you can communicating at your Proficiency level so of course English Is very important so I'm gonna put English yes select English and of course Uh fluent or native right click on ADD Um of course I can add new language if You speak other language you can Actually add it so let's say you do Yoruba you do it you do outside you do Spanish Portuguese whatever of course Add those languages here too so let's Say I want to do Spanish You know Spanish right are fluent uh Granted all of that and hits continue so As many languages as you speak please Please please add that it is to your own Advantage the more language you speak The more opportunities you increase for Yourself so your occupation These two markets in writing and Translation whatever it is so for you or Us right now it is written and Translation are from which year to which Year so let's say from 2007 to 2023 right articles email copy Press releases Uh creative writing sales copy to select Websites content you know so you're Allowed to select five so select the Best five that we need to exactly what You as what you're supposed to be
Offering on Fiverr very important so you Can actually add another work experience If you want to do that right but I don't See any need really so um your your Skill uh writing Oh Writing write article writing Experience level experts at the water Add new whatever you write what else What other experience you have let's say Right So bibliography blog writing comedy Writing content writing Um expert ad to a force click on add new Again and add all the relevant stuff That you do basically right I'm sure That there's nothing like a tweet here You do subtitling subtitle all right Caption should do that also add it right Experience expert right you don't want To use intermediate for any skill that You have people are looking for expats To actually do stuff for them so you Don't want to use intermediate for any So add as much skills as possible Education Now this is not um this is optional but It's human interest I actually added Right so you can select at the place you Want to invest here you want to run to School right select the country right For instance uh every country is Represented here so let's say I'm going To right here I'm going to select this
College or university I'm going to say Uni University University Or Or uh space at the U.S University of Lagos is right here Senators right what Do you get the absc whatever it is that You go to BSC you majored in whatever You major in uh writing Uh something about written communication Right let's say it's in communication For insights which area you graduate you Left University of Lagos in 20 2010 basically or his ad right so I'm Making these things up please use your Real details it's completely fine so I'm Gonna come here certification if you Have any certification this is where you Add it right so the more of these things Should actually add the more Opportunities you create for yourself For people who are the clients who are Going to be buying from you will see you As an expert because you have all of These things you know but there's Something more important I'm going to be Showing you that now this is your Private your personal website if you Have a website where you have your work Samples right for a blog or something Like that where you you have stuff that You've done before this is where to put It right so for now I'm going to be Leaving this I'm going to be assuming
That you don't have a website whereas You do have one let's say uh we have a Www.georg George let's say this is your what's Your personal website I'm gonna hit Continue put it right here hit continue Now This also helps you taking the time to Verify and link your account can upgrade Your credibility and helps or provide You with more businesses don't worry Your information is and always will Remain private right so go ahead and Connect people don't know this thing It's very important one of the things I'm going to be teaching in my favorite Tips and tricks right to connect your Fiverr account to your social media Profiles very important so click on Connect and follow the whole process This is a dummy account this is a Training account so I'm not going to be Doing that so connect this to your Google account connect this to your Facebook and connect this to your Twitter account it gives you more Credibility I'm not going to be doing That I'm going to hit continue right so Again email and phone number is verified If you are if we have not verified it Earlier we would have given us Opportunity to actually do those things Right here right now but it is verified
So I'm going to say continue and create Your first gig so um you are almost done A minimum of 65 percent is required to Continue so You must get 65 percent here before you Are you are allowed to go and create Your gig so let's go back and see if There's something else that we can Actually fix before we actually come Back to doing this so this is fine Everything here is good right everything Here is also good Uh next everything here is continue so We have to step a seven percent here now I'm gonna hit create and verify gig Beautiful right so he says create your First gig on Fiverr and this video is About actually creating your Fiverr Account so in my next video my next Video I'm gonna be showing you guys Exactly how to create your gig on right so I'm going to be Creating a couple of maybe like two or Three gigs I'm going I'm going to be Showing you guys the whole process so That you can do the exact same thing and Of course get the exact same result if You want to see that next video let me Know in the comment section right and It's gonna be my next video where I'm Going to show you guys exactly how to Create your first gig more Fiverr guys So until I see my next video keep Winning and don't forget that Gerald
Those love you guys bye from here guys