How to Extract Contact Form URLs from Search Engines for Better Lead Generation

Are you looking to boost your lead generation efforts? If so, this blog post is just for you. In this guide, we will show you how to extract contact form URLs from search engines, empowering you to reach out to potential customers effortlessly. By the end of this article, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to enhance your lead generation strategy and increase your chances of success. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to optimizing your contact form URLs for better results.

How to Extract Contact Form URLs from Search Engines for Better Lead Generation


Are you tired of spending countless hours manually searching for contact information to generate leads for your business? Well, there is a more efficient and effective way to extract contact form URLs from search engines, such as Google and Bing. By using the right tools and techniques, you can streamline the lead generation process and focus more on nurturing those potential customers. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to successfully harvest contact form URLs and provide you with valuable tips to maximize your results.

Using Google and Bing for Harvesting Results

When it comes to extracting contact form URLs, Google and Bing are the two leading search engines that offer vast amounts of information. To begin, simply navigate to either search engine’s homepage and enter relevant search terms related to your target industry or niche. Make sure to specify your search to include contact forms using appropriate keywords like “contact us” or “get in touch.” This will help filter out results that are not necessarily contact forms.

Setting Results Box to 1000 to Maximize Results

To extract a large number of contact form URLs at once, it is recommended to set the results box to the maximum number available. By default, search engines usually display 10 results per page. However, you can change this setting to 100 or 1000 to ensure you get as many URLs as possible in one search. This will save you time and increase your chances of finding potential leads.

Using Proxies to Avoid IP Bans

As you embark on your lead generation journey, it is important to consider using proxies to avoid IP bans from search engines. When you conduct extensive searches, search engines may flag your IP address as suspicious and restrict your access. Proxies act as intermediaries between your device and the search engine, allowing you to conduct searches without revealing your actual IP address. This will ensure uninterrupted harvesting and prevent any disturbances in your lead generation efforts.

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The Detailed Harvester for Basic Use or Custom Harvester for Power User Settings

When it comes to extracting contact form URLs, using the right tool is crucial. The Detailed Harvester provides a user-friendly interface, making it easier for beginners to extract contact form URLs effortlessly. On the other hand, the Custom Harvester is designed for power users who want more control over their search results. With the Custom Harvester, you can fine-tune your search settings, such as specific country targeting or filtering out certain domains. Choose the tool that suits your expertise and get ready to boost your lead generation efforts.

Selecting Contact Forms as the Platform for Better Success Rate

When extracting contact form URLs, it is recommended to focus on the contact forms platform. Contact forms usually provide direct access to potential leads, making them an excellent source of contact information. By leveraging the contact form platform, you eliminate the need to navigate through websites looking for contact details. This will significantly improve your success rate and save you valuable time and effort.

Choosing Google and Bing as the Search Engines

While there are several search engines available, Google and Bing remain the go-to options for searching and extracting contact form URLs. Google is widely recognized for its extensive search capabilities and Bing provides a unique advantage by displaying 100 results per page. By utilizing both search engines, you can gather a comprehensive list of contact form URLs and increase your chances of finding valuable leads.

Considering Using a Delay if Using Multiple Private Proxies

If you decide to use multiple private proxies for your lead generation efforts, it is advisable to implement a delay between searches. Search engines can detect unusual activity patterns and may flag your searches as suspicious if conducted too quickly. By introducing a delay of a few seconds between searches, you can replicate more natural search behavior and avoid any unwanted attention. This will ensure that your lead generation process runs smoothly and effectively.

Bing Provides 100 Results Per Page, While Google Provides Only 10

When it comes to extracting contact form URLs, the number of results displayed per page matters. Bing offers a significant advantage by displaying 100 results per page, while Google typically displays only 10. This means that by utilizing Bing, you can extract a larger number of potential leads in a shorter amount of time. However, it is still crucial to conduct searches on both search engines to maximize your lead generation potential.


Lead generation is a crucial aspect of any business’s success, and extracting contact form URLs from search engines can exponentially enhance your efforts. By following the steps outlined in this article and utilizing the right tools and techniques, you can streamline your lead generation process and save valuable time and resources. Remember to leverage the power of Google and Bing, consider using proxies, and opt for the contact forms platform to improve your success rate. With these strategies in place, you are well on your way to generating better leads and growing your business.


  1. How can I extract contact form URLs from search engines?
  2. Which search engines provide the best results for contact form harvesting?
  3. Is it necessary to use proxies while conducting contact form searches?
  4. What is the advantage of using the Detailed Harvester over the Custom Harvester?
  5. Why is it essential to consider using a delay when using multiple private proxies?

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