Marketing Wisdom Outlasts Fads and Fashions
Each new marketing channel brings claims that it has rendered everything that came before old-fashioned or obsolete. The reality is that hard-earned wisdom about marketing will outperform the day’s trends. This article explains why.
Study Election and Learn Marketing Techniques
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From now until the elections in November, you and I will become inundated with campaign 2018 from candidates for local, regional, state, and national offices (from U.S. Senator to local school boards). We will be receiving many thousands of marketing messages to attract votes and funding. Our mailboxes will start overflowing with campaign literature. Our inboxes will get clogged with emails from candidates and their supporters. Social media will be filled with “Likes” from our “Friends.” News stories on TV, radio, and newspapers will crowd out less important news. Media advertising will explode. Observing the process is like taking a master’s class on business strategy and tactics.
Why Is a Headline Like a Police Siren?
We all know the alarming shock of seeing the flashing lights and hearing the piercing scream of a police car, fire truck, or ambulance, and we all know what to do when one of these vehicles comes into our hearing and visual range. We pull over to the curb and stop quickly. That’s exactly the reaction we, as marketers, want to create when writing headlines for our marketing material.
Develop A Marketing And Marketing Communications Strategy And Plan For Small Or Midsized Companies
Planning for marketing and marketing communications for the year ahead is never an easy task. Lack of resources (people, time, budget), keeping up with trends, obtaining quality leads and improving brand awareness and reputation has become increasingly difficult for organizations – be they B2B, B2C or nonprofit. This article should make developing a marketing and marketing communications strategy, plan, and budget more profitable for the brand while also improving its ROI.
Small Business Online Coach: What No One Tells You About ROI in Small Business Marketing
It’s not easy to operate a small business. Therefore, it’s important that you know more about ways to boost your marketing ISO. Since small business owners have limited budget, tight profit margins, and fewer resources, it’s hard for them to cover their expenses at times. That’s why many small business owners take care of multiple aspects of their business to fill in the gap. In this article, we are going to share a few secret tips with you that can help you increase your marketing ROI. Read on.
I Know Content Matters, But I Don’t Have Time to Create It!
It’s almost become cliché to say, “content is king!”, so much so that many have forgotten why it matters.
Tips to Help You Put Together an Effective B2B Sales Strategy
If you are a B2B business owner, make sure you reevaluate your sales strategy from time to time. Since this is the age of the Internet, product/service related information is easily available to B2B buyers. Given below are a few tips and tricks that can help you put together a solid sales strategy.