Why B2B Marketing Is Very Different From B2C Marketing
Most ad agencies, marketers and copywriters do B2C campaigns. In such competitive consumer markets, the most regurgitated “how to market” slogan is “Sell the Benefits. Not the Features” And that’s true.
Challenges Faced in the Data Integration ProcessIn the process of data integration, setting up the pragmatic prospects can become a challenge. For an agency, the primary goal is to set realistic figures and analysis.
Deciding on the Design for Your Exhibition BoothThe return on your investment by spending time at an exhibition booth can be very high. However, this is only going to be the case if you have something that stands apart from the rest.
Get the Best Concept in Place for a Trade Show DisplayThere are some amazing trade show stand contractors out there, and they can bring your products or services to life! They can make them appealing to your target audience, and they are more likely to buy once they have stopped by your booth to get additional information.
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The services of qualified exhibition booth designers can help you to have a professional and eye catching set up that people stop to look at. That is what you want when you make the exhibition circuit.
6 Lessons I Learned From Seth Godin at SmartHustle ConferenceI attended Ramon Ray’s SmartHustle Small Business Conference in New York City. What a day! The conference was truly inspirational on many levels. I hope you can use some or all of these takeaways in your marketing to make you stand out and be truly effective!
Small And Midsized Company Marketing And Marketing Communications – Actionable Forecasts For 2018Many marketers are currently feeling unsure about their communications efforts. In fact, Infusionsoft’s recent survey of 1,000 small business owners found that nearly two-thirds feel that they “don’t know if their marketing strategies work” or “know that their strategies aren’t working”. Unfortunately, improving marketing and marketing communications strategy, planning and tactics will be even more difficult in 2018. My article presents actionable forecasts for small or midsized B2B, B2C and nonprofit marketers to help them profitably improve sales and ROI.