Nail Your Marketing Message in Your LinkedIn Profile
First of all, the Summary has limitations. You can’t use bold or colored or large size type. But you can use all caps for the headings for each paragraph that makes your summary sections pop out, increasing readability.
How to Turn Intangible Concepts Into Tangible ServicesYou accomplish this is by “writing a service or program into existence.” This pure act of creation transforms the intangible into the tangible. And now you really have something to sell.
A Different Approach to Goal SettingWe all know that it’s important to set goals. Unfortunately, the way we think about goals tends to reduce the chance that we’ll achieve them or that they’ll fulfill us. This is the first of five articles about the 5 Pillars of Marketing, my marketing model that helps get your marketing on track.
The Five Pillars of Marketing SuccessDoes the following give a pretty good picture of your current marketing activity? You have a website but you’re not really satisfied with it. You go to networking events once in awhile.
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Action Plan Marketing helps self-employed people attract more clients through action-oriented marketing strategies that get you in front of prospective clients. Get our free report on how you can attract more of your ideal clients at this link:
Fearlessness Is About Being, Not Doing23It’s the recognition that being without fear is essential to who we are. It’s as normal and as natural as breathing. It’s how we were all born. And we can literally come back to fearlessness with every breath. Look, right now you are aware. You are also here and now in this moment.
The Fearless LandingYes, it may take some time to do these things well and effectively, but they are not inherently fear-inducing. They are things you can learn to do and ultimately apply to attract new clients to your business.