How To Welcome Adversity

Benefits of Visual Merchandising

Capturing the attention of shoppers is largely achieved through window displays. By creating the right effect at the storefront you can effectively create an urge in potential customers to make purchases. This aspect of displaying available products to stimulate sales is known as visual merchandising and it is one of the oldest and most effective marketing techniques for the retail sector.

If You Can’t Google a Question, You Should Thumb

Have you ever had a question that you wanted to have a mass opinion on? If you have ever sat and wondered whether or not you can wear socks with sandals and still look fashionable… fear not, now there’s an app for that.

Lead Generation for IT Companies: Is It Worth It?

If you’re an IT company, say a networking service specialist or a hardware company, it’s not enough just to be popular in your particular area. Read on to learn more.

Salon Marketing Secrets – How To Double Your Clients in 90 Days

As you create the plan to build your Salon Empire, I would like to share with you 4 key Salons Marketing strategies that if you implement will doubling your client list in 90 days! Implementing these steps will put you well on your way!

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The Advantage Of Getting A Display Rental

If you are a business owner who is planning to showcase your business at an upcoming event, getting a display rental is probably your best bet. Not only will this save you time, but it will also make your business look more professional.

Should You Expand Into Hot New Core Markets When Market Share Is Declining? No Say Harvard Experts

When it comes to business strategy is it always better to expand markets when your facing market decline? According to a new study, shifting into a new industry probably won’t help your business revive growth. Wall Street analysts and media pundits say new markets outside your own may be greener else where. But actually, it isn’t true. Those in the know recommend focusing on winning senior executives over who believe that their problems are simply a function of a decline in their core markets. Boards accept an underlying belief that leaders should find the best industries and put their companies in a position to compete with others. If you’re trying to succeed in your own industry what is best move that you can make to improve performance?

3 Marketing Projects You Can Complete THIS WEEK to Increase Your Income

Unfortunately being a fabulous interior designer, virtual assistant, financial planner or whatever profession you happen to be doesn’t make you an automatic marketing expert. (Wouldn’t it be great if it did?)

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